One of my favorite snacks is nachos and cheese; so the other day I was warming up the cheese sauce in the microwave, and apparently was not thinking very clearly. I put it in for way too much time, and did not cover the container....yes there was a huge CHEESE EXPLOSION!! What a mess!! And of course cleaning that up was so much tone dripping with sarcasm! LOL.
This last few weeks I feel like my life has had numerous cheese explosions, of course the situations may not have been as boisterously loud and apparent as what happened in the microwave, but they have been very much the same unwanted mess, and have alluded to the same frustration when dealing each circumstance...worse even; at least I didn't bawl my eyes out when the cheese created a beautiful, bright orange splatter design all over the microwave. I have spent much time crying my eyes out and singing sad/depressing songs this week....even "Bad Day" doesn't cut it for my mood, that one is a little too upbeat!
Unfortunately I have yet to find the reasons for the many instances that have caused me to basically loathe myself and want to crawl in a dark hole hide; perhaps they are just more character building instances that I will be thankful for later, but for now, I am just hanging on....a little tired of the fight and the mess!
I will say....I realized the microwave had not been cleaned in far too long of a time, because I had to spray on way too many cleaning solutions, and put a lot of elbow grease into getting that thing to shine.....but when really looked nice!
I do know matter what I feel (because these feelings are shallow and can lead me astray) I know when God finishes cleaning up my mess, scrubbing down my heart and mind, and strenghtening me ; His character will be a beautiful explosion in my life; one that will shine for the world to see!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Silly Poem
Lord, I thank you for my fins; a rainbow of color,
for my home filled with fresh, cool, water
that rushes by me as I press on through
towards my rock of hiding
where I can rest and not be disturbed.
Then I can race again to the top to jump
int the crisp air and splash again into the water.
Then I see a worm. That tasty looking worm.
I thank you Lord for my lunch.
I began to devour.
Then something catches me.....
Lord, why along with the prize, must come the pain?
This is my prayer as I hang
from the line of a fisherman.
I wrote this poem years ago...I think for a creative writing class. As I was laying in bed last night, I remembered a line from this poem and had to go searching for it to share with you: "Lord, why along with the prize, must come the pain?". Is this not true....
I mean just think about a lonely night and a pack of oreos...pleasure/prize and pain go together. Don't act like you ain't been there! LOL.
Or think of working out with a trainer at the gym...loose weight=prize. Lunges=PAIN!!
But what about this one.....Going through a battle=PAIN.
Gaining the character of Christ= PRIZE.
for my home filled with fresh, cool, water
that rushes by me as I press on through
towards my rock of hiding
where I can rest and not be disturbed.
Then I can race again to the top to jump
int the crisp air and splash again into the water.
Then I see a worm. That tasty looking worm.
I thank you Lord for my lunch.
I began to devour.
Then something catches me.....
Lord, why along with the prize, must come the pain?
This is my prayer as I hang
from the line of a fisherman.
I wrote this poem years ago...I think for a creative writing class. As I was laying in bed last night, I remembered a line from this poem and had to go searching for it to share with you: "Lord, why along with the prize, must come the pain?". Is this not true....
I mean just think about a lonely night and a pack of oreos...pleasure/prize and pain go together. Don't act like you ain't been there! LOL.
Or think of working out with a trainer at the gym...loose weight=prize. Lunges=PAIN!!
But what about this one.....Going through a battle=PAIN.
Gaining the character of Christ= PRIZE.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Rasom Letters

Tonight, in order to have my son study his spelling words in a fun "non-homework" sort of way; we cut out letters from junk mail....hey it came in handy for once! Then we glued down the letters we cut out to make his spelling words; they call it ransom letters. He had fun doing it while he focused on spelling the words. Searching for letters, we were surrounded by piles of colorful advertisements as we would pick and choose which letters we wanted to use to create each word. In the end, a variety of styles, sizes, colors, and fonts create a fun page of spelling words, and it also put a smile on my son's face as he sat enjoying the finished product.
As the process unfolded, there were reasons why he would choose certain letters over others: this one fits better, this one looks cool and different, this one is too small don't use it. There was thought put into the task even though it is still a random group (visually speaking) of letters coming together to make an interesting and strange, but appealing word. Although all did not seem to fit together in some perfect, organized the worked for a good outcome.
Funny, isn't that how life works....a random series of events: sometimes messy, sometimes funny, a little moment here, a joyous occasion there, a loss, a gain, a triumph, a pain....many random moments pasted together, ones we often question why they are a part of our life....
But there is a Creator that puts thought into each and every path he leads us down, cares about each and every step we take, chooses just the right detail for an outcome that only He knows....and one that He sees for a purpose and for our good. A patchwork of pieces of life moments laid out to create something beautiful and for His glory.
I am thankful he takes pride in my life and gets His scissors and glue out to work creatively on me; to give me many different moments in my life in order to conform me into His likeness. He sits back with adoration looking at my life: where I have come from, where I am, and
where I am going...and He love me.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Over-Active Mind

I know you, and by you I mean brunettes, may think how can a blonde have an over-active it is true. I suffer from ADHD. Well, I have never actually been diagnosed, but a friend of mine did look over the Vanderbilt forms you use to diagnose someone....yeah, my results were not good. For starters they have "talks too much" on there...and they only have a 1-4 scale; she added a 20! So, my mind is pretty much like a pin-ball machine on speed! On the plus side, I have developed a passion for writing and have found that the millions of thoughts swarming through my head like a massive family of angry bees, comes in handy for creating literary masterpieces...ok, well that is an opinion, but...
So I am going to try this blogging thing out as I continue on my road to becoming a published author. Not only am I hoping it helps me get rid of the thoughts the detour me on any given moment without warning (check out my flair buttons on my facebook profile...many have to do with talking too much, changing topic in mid sentence, and you know Dori from Nemo....I so love her because she reminds me of me), but also, and more importantly, I am hoping that somewhere amidst my random thoughts, I can encourage someone, make someone laugh, inspire someone, advice someone (wait...that could be dangerous), challenge someone, and just share the love with those I love (and that is anyone who is reading this...I know no strangers!). Thanks for taking the time to read. Enjoy and God bless!
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