Driving for ten hours, my friends Kayla, Danny, and I went to visit my family in Ohio. My sister's fiance was throwing her a surprise 30th birthday party, and I wouldn't miss it for the world! We had such a great day, I just want to record some memories of it. :)
First of all...my sister, whom I love dearly, made it almost impossible to surprise! She kept showing up at my mom's house where we were hiding out! I may only be 5 feet tall...but it is still impossible to become invisible in a split second...we had no warning when she walked in the house! I had to quickly take off and hide behind the washing machine! At the same time my mom had to take of at moch speed with the 4 tiered cake she had just finished for my sister! Outside, Kayla and Danny had to casually, but quickly take off for the woods.
As I stayed crouched behind the washing machine, I was praying that I would not burst out laughing! Then I heard my sister began to interrogate my mom. "Who are those people out there? (she must have seen Kayla and Danny, Oh no!) As the questions poured on from there, I was impressed, yet concerned, as my mother very smoothly rambles on a stream of lies to my sister!
Well...unfortunately this was not the first time that day we had to hide! See we got there around 2 am Saturday morning and the party was not until 6 that evening. My awesome, lovely sister showed up to my mom's house 3 times that day!!! It was crazy. And again, we all know I have ADHD, and it is so hard to be still and quiet (Kayla apparently thought I was hilarious to watch, and also had a hard time not busting out laughing as we had to practically be statues in the back room awaiting our cue for a safe reentry into the world!) I went through an array of mood swings as I sat in the stillness; I went from excited, anxious, nervous, scared, mad, and down right angry when my sister was sitting right in the next room just chatting away forever to my family, and seemed to have no plans of leaving any time soon! My step-dad at one point came back to ask if we needed any food or water. LOL.
Well...six o'clock finally came, and we went out to the party! It was a very nice place (Brandon's, my sister's fiance, uncle's place) with a long lake with some paddle boats and kayaks (those were a lot of fun). Kayla and I were out in the paddle boat when I heard everyone yell, "She's here!" We quickly worked those thighs and peddled as fast as we could to get back to shore! I thought for sure she had seen me. But...I guess she didn't so I went to hide behind my brother and his girlfriend. It was so awesome! She was so surprised, and she hadn't even seen me yet. :) Finally, she must have realized I was behind them because she came running around them and jumped on me! It was a precious moment and one I will cherish forever! I LOVE YA MIS!

The party had started, and Brandon took her in to see the awesome cake my mom made (she is so talented). While he was showing her the cake, some of his family was getting his gift to her ready...can you guess what it was? Look back at the list from the begining of this, and take a guess; I will wait on ya go ahead.......yep....you got it! A BRAND NEW LEXUS!
Now, I hate to say this, but I was a little mad. Yes, mad...not out of jealously because Brandon knows when my birthday is, so I will be anxiously awaiting my gift...lol...JK Brandon :) But, no, I was mad because, I was supposed to be the "BIG SURPRISE", and he brings to the party a 2010 beautiful white Lexus with black leather interior and a giant red bow on top! I think Lexus trumps sister surprise...but they have promised to let me drive it to make up for bumping me down on the awesome surprise priorty list :) Well...I may have dreamed up that promise...but I think it is a good idea, right readers?? lol)
On to four-wheelers and flip flops...oh yes and the creek (or crik as I would say) this part I will never forget!
When we got home from the party my brother Josh, Kayla, Danny, and I decided to go four-wheeling in the dark. My mom did warn us this was not a good idea. (mom's always know best!)
We were having a blast on the trails in the woods in the back yard. But...my brother decided to do a lil' off road riding! He was trying to find a mud pit to surprise Kayla and Danny (who were on a four-wheeler behind my brother and I). I do believe they were surprised! But hey, you pay a lot of money to get a good mud bath at a spa...they got one for free! So...my awesome, adventurous brother kept going off the trail to find more mud. I had to keep my face buried in his back to keep it from getting ripped off as we traveled through tough terrain. Kayla and Danny finally decided to stay back from us a little, and just keep watching us get stuck...smart move guys! LOL.
So, finally, after the mud all over my body began to dry and my hair was matted to my face, I made the suggestion to go in and play cards instead. After all, we have to leave in a few hours to drive back to NC. (we drove down just to spend Saturday there...crazy, but well worth it!) He seemed to think searching for something in the cool, dark woods was a better idea. (Don't worry Josh, I still love ya!)
So...we rounded a corner to head off the path once again and suddenly...
we were both flying off the four-wheeler.
It is amazing what all goes through your mind in moments like that. I thought for sure I was getting ready to hit solid, thorn-filled ground, and end up with a four-wheeler crushing me to death. However, as we flipped off the four-wheeler, we went flying into a creek....this was a COMPLETE SHOCK TO MY SYSTEM. I was very much unaware we even had a creek with that much water in it in our back yard/woods. I was under very cold water fighting for my life in complete shock thinking that I would never get out because the four-wheeler must be blocking me under. I did find the surface and my feet...however, I was a flip flop short (and if you know of my crazy obsession with my beloved flip flops...this was BAD!) I was just so caught off guard,, and cold and soaked, and scared, all I could say, repeatedly was "GET ME OUT OF HERE, GET ME OUT OF HERE!" (This my friends and family somehow later found very hilarious...not cool guys!)Anyways...long story short...well not so short, but, hours later we got the four-wheeler out of the ditch, and had to go face the parents...all turned out fine, EXCEPT THE LOSS OF MY FLIP FLOP!
I had the best time with my family in that one jammed-packed fun Saturday!!! LOVE YA'LL!!!
Now...I can turn this into a few good lessons such as: life can flip on you at any second without warning, but God will always be there as your anchor, and you can trust in Him no matter what the circumstance. Or, stay on the straight and narrow path!! LOL. Seriously Josh :) Or, when you get down in the ditch, let God be the one to lift you out and put you on the solid rock of Christ....see so many lessons here :)
BUT...I think the most important thing is: just HAVE FUN! ENJOY LIFE AND ENJOY QUALITY TIME WITH THOSE YOU LOVE!

Oh, and P.S.....we did finally go in and play cards...and guess who won!! you got it...your crazy, competative writer of this blog--ME :)