OK...so here are some more things spinning around my cooky cranium.
1. Why can talking not count as exercise??? I would finally be able to shop in the stick figure people section!! LOL....I mean, you do use muscles to use your mouth...seriously, should count for an entire body workout!
2. Who in the world do they use to make the average length for petite pants? NBA players?? Because it is not your average short person!! Yes...it is pretty bad when you shop in the petite section, and they are still too long :(

3. "I got a pocket, got a pocket full of SUNSHINE!!"
OK, so it is all about our attitude. Mind over matter. I truly am a very blessed child of God who has many reasons to smile, to be confident, to praise God, to be at peace, to be full of joy....so I need to knock off the pity parties, the sour-puss attitudes, the worrying...and just SHINE FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD. :) My circumstances do not dictate my mood...my Savior (my SONSHINE) brings joy to my life regardless of my surroundings and situations that I have to face in life...because with Him...I can do all things!
4. Originally my plan has been: if I get remarried that man will have to take me to Italy on our honeymoon...new plan: just go to Italy on my own and find a hot Italian to marry so he can speak that beautiful language to me all the time...now that is something I would actually shut up for!!! LOL
5. Still no maid?! Seriously...anyone want the job? I pay with Oreo Bon Bons!!

I'm all about the heat...just sayin'. Now, in the books and the first movie I am very much team Edward, but...in New Moon, my alliance suddenly shifted in the first shirtless scene, and continued to grow during the rain scene as I was left drooling over the dogs! LOL...see now living here in NC, whenever I hear "GO PACK" I don't think NC State, I think, "Where? Where's Jacob?!" That was for Twilight fans only, sorry...LOL
7. I so want to be a fighter jet pilot. "I feel the need, the need for speed."
8. I just realized that Disney Channel has not been on all week!!! I am starting to have Suite Life sorrows, missing magic from Waverly Place Wizards, and my days have been cloudy without Sonny...JK...although some of those shows are cute...Mommy shows are nicer!!! I am officially caught up on Grey's, and may actually stay up to watch it tonight! :)

9. Can you tell I am bored? LOL...Although I have no reason to be sitting here playing around on a computer because of #5 alone, but....there is always tomorrow for that! LOL.
10. Now, let's all practice being positive, repeat after me, "I am blessed and highly favored, saved by the grace of a mighty Savior." And try this, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalms 139:14. Keep going you're doing great, now say, "All things work together for the good for those who love God" Romans 8:28. And add, "In Christ Jesus, we ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS!" Love that one...because I am all about the winnin' and conquerin'! :) Now...just stay focused on the Father and it's all good :)