I have come to be thankful for the "withouts" in my life. If you know me, you know I have spent years complaining and whining about being alone...now I am more than thankful for the wisdom and protection of a Heavenly Father. I am so thankful for the time alone that He has blessed me with to draw closer to Him, to learn more, to become a stronger, wiser woman of faith.
I am finally on God's side with His timing and ways on the whole "finding Prince Charming" idea. I am finally done complaining, begging, and desperately seeking after (very stupid) attempts at being noticed and touched by a man. And all my friends said, "Amen!" I have finally seen the blessing in what God has been doing over these years. For starters, he has saved me from what could have been many unwise choices. Being put in the line of temptation- I have quickly found that I am too weak on my own (and this was shocking to me for I like to joke about how strong I am! lol). However, without God- we are just weak piles of dirt! So...I fell hard into the temptations...and if I told you the stories, you have every right to call me an idiot! I would add lol...but we all are in that position far too often...and we all understand; which is why we all NEED A SAVIOR! Not a Savior who condemns, but a Savior who loves and shows mercy and grace- His name is Jesus!
I am now thankful that men either find me hideously unattractive or completely invisible! I used to say this all the time, for not one of them seem to look my way, and it has often left wounds of insecurity over the last decade. Now...I see God's purpose and plan of it all. His great, wonderful purpose and plan! He knows my heart's desire of having a husband. But more importantly He knows when I am ready and when that man is ready to come together as one and create a beautiful, Godly family. He knows who the right man is for the job, He knows when the timing is perfect, He knows who will be someone my boys can look up to and who can be a model of Jesus in their life, He knows....ALL THINGS.....so I am done doubting His plan!
I am done seeking after my own ways. Even if Paul Walker himself walked up and asked me out, if he is not who God wants for me, I would say no....then I would allow my sister to slap me one good time...lol...but...then I would know that I am choosing God's way, not my own.
I am thankful for the drought in my life; it has left me desperately seeking Jesus. Craving for Him and His righteousness; I have found the truth and power of these words from one of my favorite worship songs, "The more I seek You, the more I find You. The more I find You, the more I love You." He has been "building me up in my most holy faith" over the years, teaching me, preparing me for His plan, and loving me all along the way of my heartache, struggles, and pain. Endless hours of tears and loneliness, I have finally realized...have not really been spend alone. Jesus was (and is) always there, and His comfort and peace is far more than any human can ever give. Therefore instead of looking at my "without", I am looking at WHO I AM WITH!
Jesus is faithfully there, and He has been doing amazing things in my life over this decade of drought. And my blessings and reasons to be thankful far outweigh the lack! In your wilderness and weaknesses, find the way to the open, loving arms of Jesus; allow Him to comfort you, and teach you during this time. A great new friend of mine said she heard this on the radio and I love it- during this time where I feel like I am not producing any fruit (like nothing good is coming from my life or going on in my life) that is when God is working on the roots!
Well, during this drought, I feel God is just building, thickening, and preparing my roots for a season of great produce! When the rains come my roots will be ready to soak up all God has for me!