This is very true. Seriously- we were created by an all powerful God, and we were created in His image- WE ARE WONDERFULLY MADE!
I paint these with the purpose of reminding others of this truth! I write about this, I try to instill this concept into my children and all children I work with and I daily try to remind myself. We are wonderfully knit together in our mother's womb by a loving God who cares for us more than we can ever imagine. Therefore our bodies can do more than what we realize...we just have to condition them to do what we want. The soldier was talking about how at times they have to carry about 200 pounds on their back while out in the field...I could not even lift the 50 pound bag they had there as an example! Being physically fit is very important of course...and I very much need to get my body physically back into shape! I know I can do it because I had a trainer years ago who showed me that I could do more than what I thought possible. I had a love/hate relationship with this trainer; when he said lunges- hate! (lol) But I did love how he pushed me and got me into shape. We need to physically take care of our bodies yes, but today I want to focus on what we can condition our mind to do!
We are children of God, with this comes some pretty cool powers...and I am not talking like Power Rangers type powers (sorry boys watching that right now as I type), but even greater than that! The battle we fight against darkness usually takes place in our minds. Overpowering thoughts of unworthiness, defeat, anxiety, fears- crushing negative thoughts- can slowly slip us away from our Savior if we listen to them. If we believe the lies we become devastated and give up. So we must train our minds to think positively- it can be done. We must load our minds up with scriptures that are powerful and can pummel over the opponent with ease!
I am someone who has to fight the negative swirling thoughts daily, my overactive mind does not let up easily. But I know that it can be done- even for someone whose mind is racing faster than fighter jets and trying to weaken you until you are easily defeated with any circumstance that pops up. I just have to make daily choices to stay positive, speak positive, think positive, pray positive powerful prayers and live a positive life!
And even though I feel physically weak...have to get back to that training the body physically of all that has been going on, I am actually feeling very positive about what all I am going to be facing this year. Riley, my son, and I have been praying hard about this school year- that I will be able to juggle all the responsibilities of single mom and teacher better this year, that I will not be stressed out and that joy and peace and strength and laughter and love will fill our home, hearts, and minds! These prayers are being answered!!!! I have a Savior that promises to give me strength to do all things- and He is following through! He will do the same for you! He has also been reminding me lately that He loves me and He is so faithful! He has placed people in our lives at just the right time to bless us- and I am so thankful to those people who have a heart that follows after God's ways! He has allowed situations to change in order to provide, He has comforted me, calmed me, and just loved on me these last few weeks in ways that have left me in awe of His power, grace, faithfulness, timing, and strength. I have fallen deeper in love with my Savior this last month and I am so excited about all the great plans He has in store! You see, He wants us to walk in victory and He is a coach that will do anything for us to stand firm in the battles and build confidence and faith along the way! So begin to daily train your mind to listen to the truths in God's word and begin to speak these truths into your life. TRAIN YOUR MOUTH AND MIND TO STAY POSITIVE!!!
Condition your mind to know these truths:
- Jesus loves you!
That's it. Period. No checklist. No criteria. No ifs, ands, or buts about it! He just loves you!
- Jesus is faithful!
He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will provide. He will be there at the call of His name. He will
follow through on His promises!
- If you seek Him you will find Him!
Seek Him with all your heart and He will be there!
- His grace will cover your mistakes!
Nothing you do will keep Him from loving you. When you mess up, you can ask forgiveness and MOVE
ON! KEEP MOVING FORWARD! Do not focus on the past list of screw-ups the Devil tries to remind
you of!
There are so many more promises in His word and so many more facts about His love for you. Get in it and get focused on training your mind to believe these things so you can thrive in life :)