Dear Wonderfully Made Friends,
Spring cleaning reminds me of how much I desperately need a Savior.
I am the scum beneath the refrigerator that has not been moved and cleaned under in about 8 years. I would insert pictures to truly display what I am without Jesus; however, I do not want to scar you for life- it was pretty gross and took hours to clean! Thankfully, with Jesus- it just takes me confessing my sins and asking for forgiveness- and He cleanses me without any brutal brushes working overtime to clean the grime! This all powerful Jesus loves me enough to forgive and forget! And I need that! I am nothing without Him! I am a sinner. I need His power to cleanse me and free me from my sins, I cannot do this on my own- just like the black, gunk under the frig does not just disappear, I had to actually move the frig and get down and dirty! Although, I really wish it had a self-clean button- it did not and I had to do the work. My heart and mind does not have a self-clean button either- I HAVE TO CALL ON JESUS AND HAVE HIM MAKE ME PURE WITH HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD THAT HE SHED FOR ME!
This weekend we celebrated good Friday and Easter. My Jesus is alive and He loves me- that is definitely something to celebrate! Being a Christian my whole life, I do not want this message to ever become old news to me. I serve a living God! I serve a Jesus that death could not keep in the grave! I serve a Jesus that loves me enough to look past all the disgusting, dirty, built-up stains that make up my inner-most being and sees someone that is wonderfully created by Him! He sees His beloved Child. He is willing to forgive me and make me a new creation each day! His mercies are new every morning! I am so thankful that I can fall at His feet and cry out to my Faithful Father and know that He hears me and He answers with love and grace!
This is not just good news for me. This is for you too! All of you! We all need a Savior because we are all sinners and sticky scum beneath our refrigerators- but with Jesus- we are something amazing! We can walk in freedom with Him knowing that He holds nothing against us once we come to Him and seek forgiveness. We know that we can stand in His strength. We know that we can face our reflection with a smile because if we truly believe His words-we can begin to see what He sees in us and become a strong confident child of God. Find Him today and let Him poor His love out on you. Seek His forgiveness and allow Him to cleanse you and give you a refreshing joy- it will give you something to dance about!
This is not just a sales pitch for something that will eventually disappoint you, break down, wear out, or not work. This is not just an advertisement for something that will give you what you need for a short time and then begin to grow dim in the light of something better that comes along. This is not just a promotion pitch for the next best thing- IT IS THE ONLY THING YOU NEED! WITHOUT JESUS YOU HAVE NOTHING. He loves you with a love that nothing else can compare to. So seek after the Savior and find that He will forgive you of your sins and leave you with sweet freedom! JESUS IS ALL WE NEED!
Christina Gail