My mind is full of questions...
I am glad God is full of answers.
He may not always answer right away...
He may not always answer with the response I want...
He may not always answer loudly...
But He is faithful, loving, full of grace, and hears our cries/questions and responds.
It may be with a song: like when I'm feeling alone, hurting, or insecure and the words from Kari Jobe's "You Are For Me" remind me, God is faithful, and will always be there for me, and love me even in my weaknesses.
It may be in a movie: we were just watching Ramona and Beezus, and I was crying (yes, it can be somewhat embarrassing to cry during a kid's movie...but I do it quite often, so at least I am getting used to it. LOL). Ramona was learning that it is OK to be unique. Her older sister Beezus was telling her that she was brave for being unique and not caring about what others think of her. Why do I spend too much time worrying about what other's think of me; instead of standing firm in confidence with what I know God thinks of me.
It may be in a gift from a friend: I have spent the last few weeks questioning everything about me. Wanting to change who I am. Wanting to just run a way and start over with a new life. (Which also in the movie, Ramona tries to run away, and realizes her life is just the way it is supposed to be) I have been wondering why everything is wrong with me. Wondering why I make so many mistakes. Wondering why I am still alone. Questioning why about everything. My mind has just been twisting itself into a dark mess, and I have been in torment. Today, I opened an inspirational calender from my best friend and this was on the cover,
"Just think, you're here not by chance, but by God's choosing. His hand formed you and made you the person you are. He compares you to no one else- you are one of a kind. You lack nothing His grace can't give you. He has allowed you to be here at this time in history to fulfill His special purpose for this generation." -Roy Lessin
Our faithful God has answers, but also He wants us to just trust Him.
"Be still and know that I am God."
I know He has a plan and purpose for my life. I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I know that all things work together for the good for those who love Him. And I know there are many more promises and truths in His word that I can stand
I lay all my questions at His feet and just know that all His answers comes in the form of unconditional love.
My response to His welcoming embrace is this:
"There's no place I'd rather be than in Your arms of love. In Your arms of love. Holding me still. Holding me near. Holding me still. Holding me near. In Your arms of love."
Thank you Lord that Your ways and timing are perfect.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
reasons to smile...
hearing the laughter of a child and seeing the joy on their face (dimples included)...

the warmth of a good hug when you need it...

because we're "blessed and highly favored, saved by the grace of a Mighty Savior"...

loving and supportive family...

rejuvenating time with friends (including chocolate and snorting laughs of course)...

because you are "fearfully and wonderfully made" by a Heavenly Father who loves you...

fun surprises...

because life is full of adventure so buckle-up and enjoy the ride...

special occasions...

because revenge is sweet!!! Just Kidding...I just love this picture of "brotherly love" but awesome childhood memories are really sweet!

because God promises peace that passes all understanding when you trust in Him...

finding the perfect song to fit your mood and get you moving...

because you are loved...

because we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus and we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength!

and...just because smiling makes the world a better place...
and it shows a strong, confident, wonderful person on your face...

and don't want to look like this with a sour face...

so...turn that frown upside down and...wear a smile instead...
because there are so many reasons to smile!

I am so thankful for all my reasons to smile. I know the joy of the Lord is my strength and I always want laughter and love to be the tone of my home. I pray the same for you and your family!

the warmth of a good hug when you need it...

because we're "blessed and highly favored, saved by the grace of a Mighty Savior"...

loving and supportive family...

rejuvenating time with friends (including chocolate and snorting laughs of course)...

because you are "fearfully and wonderfully made" by a Heavenly Father who loves you...

fun surprises...

because life is full of adventure so buckle-up and enjoy the ride...

special occasions...

because revenge is sweet!!! Just Kidding...I just love this picture of "brotherly love" but awesome childhood memories are really sweet!

because God promises peace that passes all understanding when you trust in Him...

finding the perfect song to fit your mood and get you moving...

because you are loved...

because we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus and we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength!
and...just because smiling makes the world a better place...
and it shows a strong, confident, wonderful person on your face...

and don't want to look like this with a sour face...

so...turn that frown upside down and...wear a smile instead...
because there are so many reasons to smile!

I am so thankful for all my reasons to smile. I know the joy of the Lord is my strength and I always want laughter and love to be the tone of my home. I pray the same for you and your family!

Monday, November 22, 2010
Cookies Crumble
Cookies crumble...but...they still taste good!
I baked some cookies for a church fellowship tonight, and they just broke and crumbled when I tried to get them out of muffin tins. They were a disaster. And I was already in a bad mood. I am talking fire-breathin' dragon, screaming/shoutin', want to take out all my frustrations on a punchin' bag type of mood. Not for any reason in particular, more like an accumulation of things. A giant pile of a mess in my mind. Just frustration mixed with sorrow, mixed with exhaustion. Get the picture? Ever had one of those days/weeks/months???
But...the cookies are not only still edible, but also they still taste sweet and delicious!
Life can be tough...but...God is still good.
On the way to the pastor's house, the praise music was on in the car, and the boys and I were singing out from the depths of our heart to our heavenly Father who loves us. And these words once again spoke to my heart from the Hillsongs Kids song "This Is The Day"
"It doesn't matter what I face. It doesn't matter what comes my way. I know that you care for me, so it's alright. Yeah so it's alright. This is the day my God has made. I've got a reason to celebrate. To jump up and down, and spin all around. And to shout it, hey, this is the day!"
I can't say it any better than that! I just pray that whatever you are facing, you (and also speaking to myself here) are able to praise God in the mist of it, and allow Him to continue to give you the strength to press on. And that He may give us the joy to dance in the devil's face; showing him- we are not defeated, but we are children of God who know how to live an abundant life filled with power and peace!
I baked some cookies for a church fellowship tonight, and they just broke and crumbled when I tried to get them out of muffin tins. They were a disaster. And I was already in a bad mood. I am talking fire-breathin' dragon, screaming/shoutin', want to take out all my frustrations on a punchin' bag type of mood. Not for any reason in particular, more like an accumulation of things. A giant pile of a mess in my mind. Just frustration mixed with sorrow, mixed with exhaustion. Get the picture? Ever had one of those days/weeks/months???
But...the cookies are not only still edible, but also they still taste sweet and delicious!
Life can be tough...but...God is still good.
On the way to the pastor's house, the praise music was on in the car, and the boys and I were singing out from the depths of our heart to our heavenly Father who loves us. And these words once again spoke to my heart from the Hillsongs Kids song "This Is The Day"
"It doesn't matter what I face. It doesn't matter what comes my way. I know that you care for me, so it's alright. Yeah so it's alright. This is the day my God has made. I've got a reason to celebrate. To jump up and down, and spin all around. And to shout it, hey, this is the day!"
I can't say it any better than that! I just pray that whatever you are facing, you (and also speaking to myself here) are able to praise God in the mist of it, and allow Him to continue to give you the strength to press on. And that He may give us the joy to dance in the devil's face; showing him- we are not defeated, but we are children of God who know how to live an abundant life filled with power and peace!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
lil slugger BIG HITTER
You will never hit a home run if you don't step up to the plate and start swingin'.
I am short...we all know that. I am 5'1" (and I like to claim an extra 1/2 inch...but I don't think I technically own that half), but...I have a lot of competitive drive in me...just ask my friends. :) I think it is to make up for the short stature.
When it comes to playing games/sports I don't like to loose.
So why do I quit, or in my mind say I can't, so many times before I even have the chance to try and succeed when it comes to certain things in life? Awhile ago, one of my facebook post said "I think I can, I think I can, I think I, forget that little engine, I KNOW I CAN!" Confidence is the key! I should have that attitude everyday when it comes to all areas of life, not just board games. LOL.
I may be a lil slugger, but with God as my coach, I am a BIG HITTER!
Step up to the plate and let God guide your swing, and with Him you CAN and WILL accomplish anything.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Mind Mixer
Do you ever feel like you go from one mood to the next in a matter of 1.5 seconds? Lately I feel like my moods flash faster than lightening. a woman of course I can blame this on "that time" I suppose...but no matter what the cause is driving me crazy. I get frustrated and think why can I just not be stable in my thoughts, moods, and feelings?! Why is my mind always mixed up?
I write about battles of the mind and insecurities often because that is what I know. That is why God deals with in me almost on a daily basis. That is what He continues to bring me through, to teach me more about, to take me to higher levels in understanding and greater levels of depth into His greatness and wisdom on.
I am a fighter. I am someone who loves to win, I have stated that many times over. SO NO DEVIL YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME TO QUIT!
"NOW MOVE OR I WILL RUN YOU DOWN!" This is a quote from a doctor in Grey's Anatomy running a trauma operation, and not giving up on her patient in spite of all odds being stacked against her. It is a mock training used to teach the doctors to keep going strong, to not give up, and to use what they have for the fight not focus on what they don't have. Why can we not take this aggressive approach when fight is in our mind?
We have God on our side. We have Christ within us! We have it all! WE CAN DO THIS WHEN WE USE WHAT WE HAVE! So let us call out to Jesus for strength, joy, wisdom, and peace. Then accept it when He gives it to us, and then kick some serious butt in the fight! SERIOUSLY!
Don't quit. Don't give up. Don't believe the lies the enemy parades in front of your face in order to distract you from the truth your Savior establishes in His word for you.
I write about battles of the mind and insecurities often because that is what I know. That is why God deals with in me almost on a daily basis. That is what He continues to bring me through, to teach me more about, to take me to higher levels in understanding and greater levels of depth into His greatness and wisdom on.
I am a fighter. I am someone who loves to win, I have stated that many times over. SO NO DEVIL YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME TO QUIT!
"NOW MOVE OR I WILL RUN YOU DOWN!" This is a quote from a doctor in Grey's Anatomy running a trauma operation, and not giving up on her patient in spite of all odds being stacked against her. It is a mock training used to teach the doctors to keep going strong, to not give up, and to use what they have for the fight not focus on what they don't have. Why can we not take this aggressive approach when fight is in our mind?
We have God on our side. We have Christ within us! We have it all! WE CAN DO THIS WHEN WE USE WHAT WE HAVE! So let us call out to Jesus for strength, joy, wisdom, and peace. Then accept it when He gives it to us, and then kick some serious butt in the fight! SERIOUSLY!
Don't quit. Don't give up. Don't believe the lies the enemy parades in front of your face in order to distract you from the truth your Savior establishes in His word for you.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
MoRe RaNdoM ThiNKinG
Only 3 nights left until my boys come back! I miss them so much. I miss their smiles. I miss their laughter. I miss our random dancing break-outs. I miss their big hugs. I miss our secret handshake. I miss our prayer times together. I miss the random funny things they say. I miss tucking them in. I miss our wrestling matches. I miss our cuddle time. I miss watching Man VS. Wild with them. I just can't wait until they get back. I am just so blessed to have them in my life :) here are some more things spinning around my cooky cranium.
1. Why can talking not count as exercise??? I would finally be able to shop in the stick figure people section!! LOL....I mean, you do use muscles to use your mouth...seriously, should count for an entire body workout!
2. Who in the world do they use to make the average length for petite pants? NBA players?? Because it is not your average short person!! is pretty bad when you shop in the petite section, and they are still too long :(

3. "I got a pocket, got a pocket full of SUNSHINE!!"
OK, so it is all about our attitude. Mind over matter. I truly am a very blessed child of God who has many reasons to smile, to be confident, to praise God, to be at peace, to be full of I need to knock off the pity parties, the sour-puss attitudes, the worrying...and just SHINE FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD. :) My circumstances do not dictate my Savior (my SONSHINE) brings joy to my life regardless of my surroundings and situations that I have to face in life...because with Him...I can do all things!
4. Originally my plan has been: if I get remarried that man will have to take me to Italy on our plan: just go to Italy on my own and find a hot Italian to marry so he can speak that beautiful language to me all the that is something I would actually shut up for!!! LOL
5. Still no maid?! Seriously...anyone want the job? I pay with Oreo Bon Bons!!
I'm all about the heat...just sayin'. Now, in the books and the first movie I am very much team Edward, New Moon, my alliance suddenly shifted in the first shirtless scene, and continued to grow during the rain scene as I was left drooling over the dogs! LOL...see now living here in NC, whenever I hear "GO PACK" I don't think NC State, I think, "Where? Where's Jacob?!" That was for Twilight fans only, sorry...LOL
7. I so want to be a fighter jet pilot. "I feel the need, the need for speed."
8. I just realized that Disney Channel has not been on all week!!! I am starting to have Suite Life sorrows, missing magic from Waverly Place Wizards, and my days have been cloudy without Sonny...JK...although some of those shows are cute...Mommy shows are nicer!!! I am officially caught up on Grey's, and may actually stay up to watch it tonight! :)
9. Can you tell I am bored? LOL...Although I have no reason to be sitting here playing around on a computer because of #5 alone, but....there is always tomorrow for that! LOL.
10. Now, let's all practice being positive, repeat after me, "I am blessed and highly favored, saved by the grace of a mighty Savior." And try this, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalms 139:14. Keep going you're doing great, now say, "All things work together for the good for those who love God" Romans 8:28. And add, "In Christ Jesus, we ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS!" Love that one...because I am all about the winnin' and conquerin'! :) Now...just stay focused on the Father and it's all good :)
HAVE A BLESSED WEEKEND! here are some more things spinning around my cooky cranium.
1. Why can talking not count as exercise??? I would finally be able to shop in the stick figure people section!! LOL....I mean, you do use muscles to use your mouth...seriously, should count for an entire body workout!
2. Who in the world do they use to make the average length for petite pants? NBA players?? Because it is not your average short person!! is pretty bad when you shop in the petite section, and they are still too long :(

3. "I got a pocket, got a pocket full of SUNSHINE!!"
OK, so it is all about our attitude. Mind over matter. I truly am a very blessed child of God who has many reasons to smile, to be confident, to praise God, to be at peace, to be full of I need to knock off the pity parties, the sour-puss attitudes, the worrying...and just SHINE FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD. :) My circumstances do not dictate my Savior (my SONSHINE) brings joy to my life regardless of my surroundings and situations that I have to face in life...because with Him...I can do all things!
4. Originally my plan has been: if I get remarried that man will have to take me to Italy on our plan: just go to Italy on my own and find a hot Italian to marry so he can speak that beautiful language to me all the that is something I would actually shut up for!!! LOL
5. Still no maid?! Seriously...anyone want the job? I pay with Oreo Bon Bons!!

I'm all about the heat...just sayin'. Now, in the books and the first movie I am very much team Edward, New Moon, my alliance suddenly shifted in the first shirtless scene, and continued to grow during the rain scene as I was left drooling over the dogs! LOL...see now living here in NC, whenever I hear "GO PACK" I don't think NC State, I think, "Where? Where's Jacob?!" That was for Twilight fans only, sorry...LOL
7. I so want to be a fighter jet pilot. "I feel the need, the need for speed."
8. I just realized that Disney Channel has not been on all week!!! I am starting to have Suite Life sorrows, missing magic from Waverly Place Wizards, and my days have been cloudy without Sonny...JK...although some of those shows are cute...Mommy shows are nicer!!! I am officially caught up on Grey's, and may actually stay up to watch it tonight! :)

9. Can you tell I am bored? LOL...Although I have no reason to be sitting here playing around on a computer because of #5 alone, but....there is always tomorrow for that! LOL.
10. Now, let's all practice being positive, repeat after me, "I am blessed and highly favored, saved by the grace of a mighty Savior." And try this, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalms 139:14. Keep going you're doing great, now say, "All things work together for the good for those who love God" Romans 8:28. And add, "In Christ Jesus, we ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS!" Love that one...because I am all about the winnin' and conquerin'! :) Now...just stay focused on the Father and it's all good :)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
RaNdoM WeekLY ThOuGhTs
Ok...not sure how helpful or "spiritual" these are going to be...but...this is just what you get when you leave a lonely ADHD blonde alone in her apartment for 10 days with no kids....LOL. And...this is just day there may be more to come! Scary, I know! I miss my boys!
1. OK, when the cute guy behind the counter ask if you need help out with your groceries...YOU SAY YES YOU IDIOT! YES!
2. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you feel like a nut...OK, I know how the jingle actually goes, but I just always feel like a nut.
3. Activities that are not suited for people with ADHD: hunting...although the idea of shooting a gun seems cool, especially if the target looks like my ex-husband...guess we would have to be hunting donkeys though...ok...sorry you are right that was not nice. sorry. anyways, is my understanding that you have to sit there quietly....SCRATCH THAT OFF MY ACTIVITY LIST!
Also, taking a bubble bath, everyone says while the boys are gone, relax, take a nice hot bubble bath...I just find that I do not sit well...and the bubbles only keep you entertained for so long...
4. Oh...wait. THAT'S right....I DON'T have a maid...oh man!!!!
5. Activities for the lonely NOT to do: watch romance and/or sappy, crappy movies!!! Why do I torture myself?! I forgot how dramatic that Nick Sparks guy can be!!
7. Dancing and laughter are the best stress relievers so do them often! "Shake your groove thing! Shake your groove thing...ya, ya. Show me how to do it now. Get up and shake it! Get up and shake it!"
8. I want to learn how to play the drums!!! I loved listening to the drums at the ECU football game. Maybe that will also help me take out some frustrations....hmmmm...I might go through a lot of drum sets...
10. Even if you're single...YOU MUST REMEMBER TO SHAVE THOSE LEGS! OK, yes this is embarrassing to say, but...I am that great of a friend that I will just put it all out there and bare the humiliation if it saves someone else from the same mistake; because you don't want your BFF to call and say hey lets go get a pedicure since neither of us have our boys. Then get there only to remember that you have to pull up your pant legs to stick those legs in the tub, and THEN get stuck with a male doing the pedicure, and THEN remember they also do the massage on not only the feet but also the LEGS! Yes...yes it was very embarrassing!!! But hey...we all had a good laugh...especially the lady rubbing my friends legs who just kept saying..."Oh, how nice and smooth." while laughing at the poor guy who got stuck with GORILLA GIRL!!! LOL.
(and yes...I really do shave...that was a just very rainy week) Hmmmm....last thought...I share way too much information....hmmmm maybe that is why I'm still singe.
BUT...I say if you can't laugh in life, especially at yourself...then you are the one with the issues :)
1. OK, when the cute guy behind the counter ask if you need help out with your groceries...YOU SAY YES YOU IDIOT! YES!
2. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you feel like a nut...OK, I know how the jingle actually goes, but I just always feel like a nut.
3. Activities that are not suited for people with ADHD: hunting...although the idea of shooting a gun seems cool, especially if the target looks like my ex-husband...guess we would have to be hunting donkeys though...ok...sorry you are right that was not nice. sorry. anyways, is my understanding that you have to sit there quietly....SCRATCH THAT OFF MY ACTIVITY LIST!
Also, taking a bubble bath, everyone says while the boys are gone, relax, take a nice hot bubble bath...I just find that I do not sit well...and the bubbles only keep you entertained for so long...
4. Oh...wait. THAT'S right....I DON'T have a maid...oh man!!!!
5. Activities for the lonely NOT to do: watch romance and/or sappy, crappy movies!!! Why do I torture myself?! I forgot how dramatic that Nick Sparks guy can be!!
7. Dancing and laughter are the best stress relievers so do them often! "Shake your groove thing! Shake your groove thing...ya, ya. Show me how to do it now. Get up and shake it! Get up and shake it!"
8. I want to learn how to play the drums!!! I loved listening to the drums at the ECU football game. Maybe that will also help me take out some frustrations....hmmmm...I might go through a lot of drum sets...

10. Even if you're single...YOU MUST REMEMBER TO SHAVE THOSE LEGS! OK, yes this is embarrassing to say, but...I am that great of a friend that I will just put it all out there and bare the humiliation if it saves someone else from the same mistake; because you don't want your BFF to call and say hey lets go get a pedicure since neither of us have our boys. Then get there only to remember that you have to pull up your pant legs to stick those legs in the tub, and THEN get stuck with a male doing the pedicure, and THEN remember they also do the massage on not only the feet but also the LEGS! Yes...yes it was very embarrassing!!! But hey...we all had a good laugh...especially the lady rubbing my friends legs who just kept saying..."Oh, how nice and smooth." while laughing at the poor guy who got stuck with GORILLA GIRL!!! LOL.
(and yes...I really do shave...that was a just very rainy week) Hmmmm....last thought...I share way too much information....hmmmm maybe that is why I'm still singe.
BUT...I say if you can't laugh in life, especially at yourself...then you are the one with the issues :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010
From Within
"If we all cut off the parts we don't like, we'd have nothing left." - a quote from a women in the television show Grey's anatomy talking to her son about plastic surgery.
Confidence comes from within. And from within we find Christ living in us.
He created us in His image...that is a pretty powerful image to be formed after. He created us wonderful. He says so in His word. Why then do we let so many outside opinions/standards determine what/who we are when the answer is found within.
I am a child of God. That's it. Period. And I am confident in who I am.
Are you? You should be. Because Jesus loves you UNCONDITIONALLY. So...accept His love and walk in confidence, and let NOTHING from the outside SHAKE that confidence.
"You created the deepest parts of my being.
You put me together inside my mother's body.
How you made me is amazing and wonderful."
Psalm 139:13-14
Confidence comes from within. And from within we find Christ living in us.
He created us in His image...that is a pretty powerful image to be formed after. He created us wonderful. He says so in His word. Why then do we let so many outside opinions/standards determine what/who we are when the answer is found within.
I am a child of God. That's it. Period. And I am confident in who I am.
Are you? You should be. Because Jesus loves you UNCONDITIONALLY. So...accept His love and walk in confidence, and let NOTHING from the outside SHAKE that confidence.
"You created the deepest parts of my being.
You put me together inside my mother's body.
How you made me is amazing and wonderful."
Psalm 139:13-14
Thursday, October 21, 2010
"Seriously Christina...Do you get it yet?"
Here are some questions that must be running through the mind of God when He thinks of me...
"Seriously you get it yet?" "Has in sunk into that thick skull of yours?" "When are you just going to let go and trust me completely? After all the times I have come through for you, why do you still doubt?"
Thankfully He is a persistent God full of love and grace that just keeps coming--forever pushing through the tough terrains of my brain trying to get me to hear His voice above the chaos.
My God has always come through for me. I could give you all the examples, but I would be typing until my fingers fall off because He has always been there for me. He has proven time and time and time again that He has my back, and His perfect plan in being worked out in my life daily as He uses all things to draw me closer to why do I still go through those times of doubt and worry? Why do I allow my mind to be filled with anxieties and insecurities?
Today, once again God has brought me closer to Him, pulled me through a rough patch, picked me up and dusted me off, encouraged me in many ways, and given me reason to continue to praise Him.
"Christina...I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING....Let go, and let me do My job...your only to just believe and walk by faith." This is the message He is lovingly whispering to my heart...(although sometimes I believe He may just have to bust out the mallet and pound into my head...LOL) I get it God...and Thank you!
Hebrews 11:1 "1 Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being certain of what we do not see."
The important thing to remember is that no matter what is going on in your life, God is in control, and He has a perfect plan that we just need to trust in. Praising Him and serving Him in not something that should be circumstantial....well, God life is going good so You are good, and I will praise you now....THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS! We are to always, always, always continue to seek after Him with our whole heart, and praise Him for He is worthy to be praised. That's it. Period.
Mountain top - praise Him. Valley - praise Him. Drowning in an ocean - praise Him. Trapped in a pit - praise Him. Soaring above like and eagle - praise Him.
Like Nike says: Just Do It! Well....JUST PRAISE HIM!
This is a song that my sister once shared with me, a friend has just shared with me, and I just heard it on a friends blog...good song by Mercy Me called "Bring the Rain"
"I can count a million times people asking me how I can praise You with all that I've gone through. The question just amazes me can circumstances possibly change who I forever am in You. Maybe since my life was changed long before these rainy days It's never really ever crossed my mind to turn my back on you, oh Lord My only shelter from the storm, but instead I draw closer through these times. So I pray...bring me joy, bring me peace, bring the chance to be free, bring me anything that brings YOU glory. And I know they'll be days when this life brings me pain, but if that's what it takes to praise YOU, Jesus bring the rain."
"Seriously you get it yet?" "Has in sunk into that thick skull of yours?" "When are you just going to let go and trust me completely? After all the times I have come through for you, why do you still doubt?"
Thankfully He is a persistent God full of love and grace that just keeps coming--forever pushing through the tough terrains of my brain trying to get me to hear His voice above the chaos.
My God has always come through for me. I could give you all the examples, but I would be typing until my fingers fall off because He has always been there for me. He has proven time and time and time again that He has my back, and His perfect plan in being worked out in my life daily as He uses all things to draw me closer to why do I still go through those times of doubt and worry? Why do I allow my mind to be filled with anxieties and insecurities?
Today, once again God has brought me closer to Him, pulled me through a rough patch, picked me up and dusted me off, encouraged me in many ways, and given me reason to continue to praise Him.
"Christina...I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING....Let go, and let me do My job...your only to just believe and walk by faith." This is the message He is lovingly whispering to my heart...(although sometimes I believe He may just have to bust out the mallet and pound into my head...LOL) I get it God...and Thank you!
Hebrews 11:1 "1 Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being certain of what we do not see."
The important thing to remember is that no matter what is going on in your life, God is in control, and He has a perfect plan that we just need to trust in. Praising Him and serving Him in not something that should be circumstantial....well, God life is going good so You are good, and I will praise you now....THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS! We are to always, always, always continue to seek after Him with our whole heart, and praise Him for He is worthy to be praised. That's it. Period.
Mountain top - praise Him. Valley - praise Him. Drowning in an ocean - praise Him. Trapped in a pit - praise Him. Soaring above like and eagle - praise Him.
Like Nike says: Just Do It! Well....JUST PRAISE HIM!
This is a song that my sister once shared with me, a friend has just shared with me, and I just heard it on a friends blog...good song by Mercy Me called "Bring the Rain"
"I can count a million times people asking me how I can praise You with all that I've gone through. The question just amazes me can circumstances possibly change who I forever am in You. Maybe since my life was changed long before these rainy days It's never really ever crossed my mind to turn my back on you, oh Lord My only shelter from the storm, but instead I draw closer through these times. So I pray...bring me joy, bring me peace, bring the chance to be free, bring me anything that brings YOU glory. And I know they'll be days when this life brings me pain, but if that's what it takes to praise YOU, Jesus bring the rain."
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Now...I am a competitive person...a fun competitive person though, at least I think so. I like to talk a lot of junk. I have a big mouth, I guess you could say...LOL. I love to joke about my massive muscles and how strong I am! (I think it is to make up for the short stature)
But I have seem to forgotten about my strength...
We are in a spiritual battle and the battle is in our minds. I have written about this a lot lately because this is what I am facing: anxiety attacks, doubt, fears, insecurities, and listening to the lies loudly pounding in my mind. This is a fight and it is not the time to be weak!
I have forgotten that I love a good competitive battle; so it is time to stand firm and start kickin' some butt!
Through Christ I am strong enough to handle all things! (Philippians 4:13)
WE CAN'T BACK DOWN! The devil is no match for a child of God! He is nothing, and through Christ we are more than conquerors! (Romans 8:37)
I am a strong, confident, victorious woman of God!
And He has given me with promises of His word and power of His Spirit to take the stand against the lies terrorizing my mind and replace them with peace and freedom!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Lesson Learned
My Mother came to this realization very quickly...she made the connection for me...she helped open my eyes...Mom's rock like that!
I was telling her about this after school program that I am now a coach of. It is a program that challenges higher leveled kids with problem solving skills, and creative thinking. I was excited to join this team because creativity is my strong point. They also have to perform a skit; acting is my strong I do love to be up in front of an audience (I hope to be a motivational speaker someday along with my writing career). Anyways, I was excited and thought it would be a great thing to embark upon. However, I have found out that as a couch, basically I can do nothing. My hands are tied behind my back and my mouth is for those of you that know can already see where I am going with mom did quickly.
I have to keep my mouth shut????!!!! I don't understand that. That does not compute with my brain. I can not give them any ideas, touch anything, or help in any way. It has to be all the kids work. I have no control...
So my mom says with a chuckle, "Maybe God is trying to teach you something through this."
Learning to keep my mouth shut and relinquish control is hard for me...
A great friend has also shared this same advice with me earlier this yes, apparently God is trying to teach me something. I was telling him how overwhelmed I was, and how I had a lot on my mind. He said tell me what's wrong maybe I can help. I said pick a topic and then typed out the very long list of things bothering me. His response was this:
Just put God are trying to control too much when God is the one who makes the decisions.
Well said.
I need to just let it all go. Lay it in the hands of the Father...they are big enough to hold it all. And His ways are perfect and His timing is perfect so I need to stop trying to control everything. Just relax in His peace. Lesson Learned.
I was telling her about this after school program that I am now a coach of. It is a program that challenges higher leveled kids with problem solving skills, and creative thinking. I was excited to join this team because creativity is my strong point. They also have to perform a skit; acting is my strong I do love to be up in front of an audience (I hope to be a motivational speaker someday along with my writing career). Anyways, I was excited and thought it would be a great thing to embark upon. However, I have found out that as a couch, basically I can do nothing. My hands are tied behind my back and my mouth is for those of you that know can already see where I am going with mom did quickly.
I have to keep my mouth shut????!!!! I don't understand that. That does not compute with my brain. I can not give them any ideas, touch anything, or help in any way. It has to be all the kids work. I have no control...
So my mom says with a chuckle, "Maybe God is trying to teach you something through this."
Learning to keep my mouth shut and relinquish control is hard for me...
A great friend has also shared this same advice with me earlier this yes, apparently God is trying to teach me something. I was telling him how overwhelmed I was, and how I had a lot on my mind. He said tell me what's wrong maybe I can help. I said pick a topic and then typed out the very long list of things bothering me. His response was this:
Just put God are trying to control too much when God is the one who makes the decisions.
Well said.
I need to just let it all go. Lay it in the hands of the Father...they are big enough to hold it all. And His ways are perfect and His timing is perfect so I need to stop trying to control everything. Just relax in His peace. Lesson Learned.
Sunday, October 3, 2010

The following are some definitions of TRAP on the Web:
*a device in which something (usually an animal) can be caught and penned
*something (often something deceptively attractive) that catches you unawares
*to hold fast or prevent from moving
*ambush: the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise
*something by which one is caught or stopped unawares
The boys and I have been watching a lot of Man Vs. Wild online...we love that show (although we love the show for different reasons, but....let's just say all three of us love the show...and if you have ever seen Bear Grylls, then you can imagine why Mommy loves the show...anyways...). The other day he was setting traps to catch food; so now the boys are all about "setting some traps" around the house, and talking all about traps, and carrying around materials to set traps. It got me thinking about the traps set by our enemy to lour us away from the path of God and eventually destroy our lives.
The Devil sets his traps up in our minds. He knows the perfect bait to use. He knows our weaknesses: insecurity, fears, addictions, anxiety, negativism, depression, worry, loneliness...he is an enemy who studies his prey and strongly seeks after their soul; therefore he sets up the perfect trap and before you know it...SNAP! You're caught.
The battlefield is in our minds. The enemy whispers those lies the triggers the trap and we begin to weaken and fall into a dangerous, dark place. BUT....I am here to tell you, I understand, I have been there...AND THERE IS HOPE! DO NOT GIVE UP! Let me give you the survival tips you need to get out of the trap!
1. Remember, if you fall...THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION IN CHRIST! WALK IN HIS GRACE WITH YOUR HEAD HELD HIGH. One of his main pieces of bait is the idea that once you fall, make a mistake, screw are a failure and unloved by a God who is ashamed of you. THIS IS A LIE. Christ died on a cross so that you can live under His grace. Accept it daily and know that God is always there loving you.
2. Know that Christ is your strength! He lives in you and you have the power in you to fight back! Have the promises of God (His word) written upon your heart and use it against the enemy who is powerless in the presence of our Almighty God. Use verses such as: "You will keep him in perfect peace, him whose mind is steadfast because he trust in You." Isaiah 26:3. Also, "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7. Search His word for His promises and speak the name of Jesus - the devil has to flee.
3. When caught in the snare - SING HIS PRAISE and receive His strength, accept His peace, and be released from bondage in order to soar above every circumstance in your life!
4. PRAY! Cry out to Him...He will faithfully answer.
You need to be aware of the traps the the devil sets, BUT WALK CONFIDENTLY IN CHRIST! Know that He will faithfully guide you and always offer His strength, peace, joy, grace, and love.
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, BRINGING EVERY THOUGHT INTO CAPTIVITY TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST." 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.
Pray for God to help you fight the war that rages in your mind, and to avoid the traps,and bring those thoughts captive, lay them at His feet and replace them with peace!
Photography by: Mary Goin
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Anxiety attacks are scary things...
Lately I have been experiencing these. It is like the panic of drowning. Remember the story I told about getting flipped of the four-wheeler into a crik and I thought I was going to drown. I thought I was trapped under the four-wheeler in an ocean of water with no way yes all things turned out fine, and that was a great day in spite of that moment, but at the time I felt trapped, overwhelmed, powerless, afraid, lost in the darkness and depths of something more powerful than I am pulling me into its pit, destroying me.
That is what I am feeling now...I am drowning.
Have you ever felt like you had more on you than you can bare?
I am so blessed, but I just feel so overwhelmed with the responsibilities of this new job, being a single mom, dealing with my desires and the emptiness of my heart...just so much going on in my mind. Yes, the battlefield really lies in our mind. And mine seems to take any battle and multiply the intensity of it times a million.
BUT, "I know that You are for me (Lord), I know that You are for me. I know that You will never forsake me in my weaknesses. I know that You have come now...even if to write upon my remind me who You are." -by Kari Jobe
He is here, with me, ALWAYS. He is fighting the battle with me in my mind. And with His strength and POWERFUL PEACE, I am an over comer in Jesus name! I can breathe!
I can worship! I can praise Him! I can speak against the attacks of the devil and in JESUS NAME HE HAS TO FLEE!
"So faithful. So constant. So loving and so true. So powerful in all you do. You fill me. You see me. You know my every move. You love for me to sing to You." -KJ
I will sing praise from my lips Lord, for You are so powerful and so mighty and I am thankful for Your faithful presence in my life. You are my lifeguard always on duty, and you have saved me from the powerful storm trying to swallow me whole. You have pulled me from its treacherous waves, and placed me again on solid ground. You have breathed peace back into my soul. I can stand again. I can move forward. I can shout to the world the joy of the Lord is my strength. I love you Lord. Thank you.
Lately I have been experiencing these. It is like the panic of drowning. Remember the story I told about getting flipped of the four-wheeler into a crik and I thought I was going to drown. I thought I was trapped under the four-wheeler in an ocean of water with no way yes all things turned out fine, and that was a great day in spite of that moment, but at the time I felt trapped, overwhelmed, powerless, afraid, lost in the darkness and depths of something more powerful than I am pulling me into its pit, destroying me.
That is what I am feeling now...I am drowning.
Have you ever felt like you had more on you than you can bare?
I am so blessed, but I just feel so overwhelmed with the responsibilities of this new job, being a single mom, dealing with my desires and the emptiness of my heart...just so much going on in my mind. Yes, the battlefield really lies in our mind. And mine seems to take any battle and multiply the intensity of it times a million.
BUT, "I know that You are for me (Lord), I know that You are for me. I know that You will never forsake me in my weaknesses. I know that You have come now...even if to write upon my remind me who You are." -by Kari Jobe
He is here, with me, ALWAYS. He is fighting the battle with me in my mind. And with His strength and POWERFUL PEACE, I am an over comer in Jesus name! I can breathe!
I can worship! I can praise Him! I can speak against the attacks of the devil and in JESUS NAME HE HAS TO FLEE!
"So faithful. So constant. So loving and so true. So powerful in all you do. You fill me. You see me. You know my every move. You love for me to sing to You." -KJ
I will sing praise from my lips Lord, for You are so powerful and so mighty and I am thankful for Your faithful presence in my life. You are my lifeguard always on duty, and you have saved me from the powerful storm trying to swallow me whole. You have pulled me from its treacherous waves, and placed me again on solid ground. You have breathed peace back into my soul. I can stand again. I can move forward. I can shout to the world the joy of the Lord is my strength. I love you Lord. Thank you.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
God Hears
I love how a song can just speak right to your heart, tear right into your soul, bring peace, bring hope, and bring joy...
I have been a little down lately...and it is because of my lovely over-active, messed up, moody mind. I know that being overwhelmed and tired has a lot to do with my emotional coaster (I absolutely love my new job, but...there is just so much work that goes with it that my mind is trying it's hardest just to shut down and give up) but anyways, I just have a lot of other questions and thoughts spinning around up there--and the outcome in my emotions has been sorrow. Hurt and pain seem to be my best friends lately. And I know that I really have no reason to be down; I am abundantly blessed, I do know that. But I am confused...and no, not because I am blonde :p
I want to know, why ______________________?
And I can fill that blank in with a lot of questions.
I want to know when_______________________?
Same for that blank.
I won't bore you with the questions, because I know you can fill in the blanks yourselves I am sure with your own...
But let me quickly tell you what just shot through the darkness of my mood and pierced my heart, tightened up my attitude, gave me peace, hope, joy, and a deeper love for my Savior...
"Well God is still God when He's quiet."
This is from an amazing song called "God Hears" by Newsong.
I very much recommend listening to this song if you need encouragement.
God is still in control. God still works miracles. God still answers prayers. God still loves us. God still showers us with mercy, grace, and abundant blessings. God still fills us with peace when He hears our heart crying out to Him.
The song goes on to say,
"Well, God is still God even when He's quiet, and all your questions come. When all you thought you have is gone. When you feel lost somewhere in the silence, and fear comes rushing in...don't give up you're not alone...cause God is here, and there are no words to speak. God is here, and His healing runs deep, and all those questions you have just disappear, cause God hears....and when it feels like all your faith has disappeared...let the presence of His love reach through your fear...cause God hears."
Breathe in His peace today.
I have been a little down lately...and it is because of my lovely over-active, messed up, moody mind. I know that being overwhelmed and tired has a lot to do with my emotional coaster (I absolutely love my new job, but...there is just so much work that goes with it that my mind is trying it's hardest just to shut down and give up) but anyways, I just have a lot of other questions and thoughts spinning around up there--and the outcome in my emotions has been sorrow. Hurt and pain seem to be my best friends lately. And I know that I really have no reason to be down; I am abundantly blessed, I do know that. But I am confused...and no, not because I am blonde :p
I want to know, why ______________________?
And I can fill that blank in with a lot of questions.
I want to know when_______________________?
Same for that blank.
I won't bore you with the questions, because I know you can fill in the blanks yourselves I am sure with your own...
But let me quickly tell you what just shot through the darkness of my mood and pierced my heart, tightened up my attitude, gave me peace, hope, joy, and a deeper love for my Savior...
"Well God is still God when He's quiet."
This is from an amazing song called "God Hears" by Newsong.
I very much recommend listening to this song if you need encouragement.
God is still in control. God still works miracles. God still answers prayers. God still loves us. God still showers us with mercy, grace, and abundant blessings. God still fills us with peace when He hears our heart crying out to Him.
The song goes on to say,
"Well, God is still God even when He's quiet, and all your questions come. When all you thought you have is gone. When you feel lost somewhere in the silence, and fear comes rushing in...don't give up you're not alone...cause God is here, and there are no words to speak. God is here, and His healing runs deep, and all those questions you have just disappear, cause God hears....and when it feels like all your faith has disappeared...let the presence of His love reach through your fear...cause God hears."
Breathe in His peace today.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
On a lighter note...
Just For Fun:
I created a Help Wanted Ad...
I am a fast-talkin, flip-flop wearin, sweet-tea drinkin, chocolate lovin, blonde-haired, fun-sized kind of girl looking for help!! Please respond if you can provide any of the following services and/or meet any of the following criteria. The pay is minimal, but will be working for Oreo Bon Bon's.
You can call me at 1-800-SHORTIE. Or reach me via email:
MAID: I am a very busy single mom of two boys = a messy apartment. I need help! The apartment is small; therefore, you must have good organizational skills in order to make things work. Must enjoy a variety of smells (I have two boys in the house, and I have learned...boys are gross) Also, is in strong support against the fight to destroy all ants! (Apparently this apartment is built on top of the central ant command station to all ants in the universe). And must figure out a better way to put away laundry as opposed to our "throw it anywhere" system!
HAIR STYLIST: Don't you just hate how you can never fix your hair the way they do at the salon!! I just got my hair cut, with side bangs, and I'm in the process of "training" them! And besides...I just love to have my hair played with!! So as long as you don't're hired!
MAKE-UP ARTIST: I am 32 and have yet to figure the stuff out!! I even panic when I walk down the make-up isle in the store. I am often told I look like a teenager...although even teenage girls know how to wear make-up. I would like to look like a professional woman please, yet still a very natural throw back to the 80's bright colors or anything! (and I don't miss huge hot pink and lime green scrunchies and teased bangs with enough hair spray at one time to destroy the ozone layer for all eternity...just another note for the person applying for the hair stylist job)
BUSINESS MANAGER: First of all, the most important aspect of this job would be handling my bank account...because I am a blonde that likes to bounce more than Tigger! OK, not that I like to bounce my account, it really upsets me and I try (somewhat, although trying probably means actually keeping track and checking on it), but I do want to do well with my account and money, but math is my weakness. I have finally realized why I subconsciously wear flip flops all the time...I need those toes out in the open to give me ten extra digits to help with the adding!
Also, any other paper work that is required for life and my job--will be all your responsibility because...I JUST DON'T LIKE IT!
PERSONAL TRAINER:I need someone to help me to put the Oreos down! Trainer must be tough, but also kind when I need it as well. Must be hot...hey it defiantly helps when a hot trainer has to do a body fat pinch!! I found this out when I actually had a trainer years ago. He said every two weeks he would do a body fat pinch. I said, "What is that?" He said, "Just like it sounds, I pinch your fat." If you have to lift your shirt, and let a hot guy pinch your fat...YOU WILL GET IT OFF FAST!
***Also seeking after a sexy, sparkling, shirtless vampire for...well do I really need to give an explanation for this one!
I would have said werewolf, cuz that kid is hot!! But, I thought of my skin-tone...and yes I would be more compatible with vampires. And, let's not forget my "Sparkling" personality!!
I created a Help Wanted Ad...
I am a fast-talkin, flip-flop wearin, sweet-tea drinkin, chocolate lovin, blonde-haired, fun-sized kind of girl looking for help!! Please respond if you can provide any of the following services and/or meet any of the following criteria. The pay is minimal, but will be working for Oreo Bon Bon's.
You can call me at 1-800-SHORTIE. Or reach me via email:
MAID: I am a very busy single mom of two boys = a messy apartment. I need help! The apartment is small; therefore, you must have good organizational skills in order to make things work. Must enjoy a variety of smells (I have two boys in the house, and I have learned...boys are gross) Also, is in strong support against the fight to destroy all ants! (Apparently this apartment is built on top of the central ant command station to all ants in the universe). And must figure out a better way to put away laundry as opposed to our "throw it anywhere" system!
HAIR STYLIST: Don't you just hate how you can never fix your hair the way they do at the salon!! I just got my hair cut, with side bangs, and I'm in the process of "training" them! And besides...I just love to have my hair played with!! So as long as you don't're hired!
MAKE-UP ARTIST: I am 32 and have yet to figure the stuff out!! I even panic when I walk down the make-up isle in the store. I am often told I look like a teenager...although even teenage girls know how to wear make-up. I would like to look like a professional woman please, yet still a very natural throw back to the 80's bright colors or anything! (and I don't miss huge hot pink and lime green scrunchies and teased bangs with enough hair spray at one time to destroy the ozone layer for all eternity...just another note for the person applying for the hair stylist job)
BUSINESS MANAGER: First of all, the most important aspect of this job would be handling my bank account...because I am a blonde that likes to bounce more than Tigger! OK, not that I like to bounce my account, it really upsets me and I try (somewhat, although trying probably means actually keeping track and checking on it), but I do want to do well with my account and money, but math is my weakness. I have finally realized why I subconsciously wear flip flops all the time...I need those toes out in the open to give me ten extra digits to help with the adding!
Also, any other paper work that is required for life and my job--will be all your responsibility because...I JUST DON'T LIKE IT!
PERSONAL TRAINER:I need someone to help me to put the Oreos down! Trainer must be tough, but also kind when I need it as well. Must be hot...hey it defiantly helps when a hot trainer has to do a body fat pinch!! I found this out when I actually had a trainer years ago. He said every two weeks he would do a body fat pinch. I said, "What is that?" He said, "Just like it sounds, I pinch your fat." If you have to lift your shirt, and let a hot guy pinch your fat...YOU WILL GET IT OFF FAST!
***Also seeking after a sexy, sparkling, shirtless vampire for...well do I really need to give an explanation for this one!
I would have said werewolf, cuz that kid is hot!! But, I thought of my skin-tone...and yes I would be more compatible with vampires. And, let's not forget my "Sparkling" personality!!
Don't Care = Don't Hurt?
"Don't care - don't get hurt...
that's the way it's gotta be.
Livin' life actin' hard,
but on the the inside no one can see;
you're cryin' out, 'God if you're really there-
show me you're me you care."
This is part of a rap I wrote while in college working with some pretty tough inner city kids. Yeah, I wrote a rap, I got mad skillz, yo! LOL. But, right now those lines are stirrin' up something fierce in my mind...
If you don't don't get hurt...right?
This is another one of those post that as I am writing this I hope I end up with a positive outcome (like What's the Point?)....but right now, I am not sure...
I am hurting...and I am tired of hurting.
Why do I have to be so sensitive? Why do I have to care so much? Why do I have to need people around me so badly? Why can I not be just pack up and move back home because I miss my family? Why do I desperately need communication and touch that I ache so deeply when I am all alone or when I don't hear back from friends when I try to communicate with them? Why do I have to be alone, and why does it have to hurt because I am...who really cares right?! It is not a big deal.
Why can't I be like Paul and "be content no matter what the circumstance"? Anytime I feel like I get to that point, something triggers an emotional mess in my mind...and the waterworks began again...and I am left hurting.
So I just need to toughin' up...but it seems like I am an all or nothing type person though. I am either super passionate or I just need to stop caring...
I have done this before- this whole harden the heart thing to get by. Right now, I feel like I need to pull every ounce of strength within me to build the walls again, and just keep pressing a line from one of my favorite movies, P.S. I Love You says, "Alone or not alone, you have to move forward."
Why can't I do that?
Family around or no family, husband or no husband, friends or no friends...
Why do I care?
It hurts too much.
Have you ever dealt with this? Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who is this sensitive or crazy...
If you are feeling this way...take a deep breath with me and know this:
We are not alone.
A song that I often have on replay, "Only You" by Adie, has this line that pierces my heart every time I listen to it while I seek after God in the mist of the storms raging in my mind,
"And it's just You and me, Lord".
So why can't I make that enough?
He is enough.
He always comforts me.
He always answers back.
He always takes care of us.
He always fills me with His peace that passes understanding.
He always wipes away tears and fills me with joy overflowing.
He always shows me He is working everything out for the good.
He always gives me the strength to press on.
He always shows me He is there.
He always loves me.
He is enough.
Thank you Lord, for being there for me. Thank you, Lord for "fearfully and wonderfully" creating me (Psalms 139:14) gave me this huge, compassionate heart to reach the world for You...I don't want to ever stop caring. I know we all go through times of hurt, but that just means there is a hurting world out there that NEEDS A HEALING GOD! And I want to be there to point others to You, Lord. To show them Your love covers all.
And thank you, Lord...You do know my personality (You created me) You know my need for others; You have always, no matter where I am at, placed so many wonderful people in my life that love and support me. I am not alone because You have blessed me with the most amazing family and friends. I do know that, Lord, and I thank You for them. And I thank all of You for always being there and I am sorry I am just being a dramatic, emotional mess right now. I know this time of hurting will pass, You always lift me back up when I am down. YOU ARE FAITHFUL, LORD!
If you are hurting today seek after Jesus with all your heart...HE WILL BE THERE! And His arms will be wide open ready to pour His love and peace on you.
that's the way it's gotta be.
Livin' life actin' hard,
but on the the inside no one can see;
you're cryin' out, 'God if you're really there-
show me you're me you care."
This is part of a rap I wrote while in college working with some pretty tough inner city kids. Yeah, I wrote a rap, I got mad skillz, yo! LOL. But, right now those lines are stirrin' up something fierce in my mind...
If you don't don't get hurt...right?
This is another one of those post that as I am writing this I hope I end up with a positive outcome (like What's the Point?)....but right now, I am not sure...
I am hurting...and I am tired of hurting.
Why do I have to be so sensitive? Why do I have to care so much? Why do I have to need people around me so badly? Why can I not be just pack up and move back home because I miss my family? Why do I desperately need communication and touch that I ache so deeply when I am all alone or when I don't hear back from friends when I try to communicate with them? Why do I have to be alone, and why does it have to hurt because I am...who really cares right?! It is not a big deal.
Why can't I be like Paul and "be content no matter what the circumstance"? Anytime I feel like I get to that point, something triggers an emotional mess in my mind...and the waterworks began again...and I am left hurting.
So I just need to toughin' up...but it seems like I am an all or nothing type person though. I am either super passionate or I just need to stop caring...
I have done this before- this whole harden the heart thing to get by. Right now, I feel like I need to pull every ounce of strength within me to build the walls again, and just keep pressing a line from one of my favorite movies, P.S. I Love You says, "Alone or not alone, you have to move forward."
Why can't I do that?
Family around or no family, husband or no husband, friends or no friends...
Why do I care?
It hurts too much.
Have you ever dealt with this? Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who is this sensitive or crazy...
If you are feeling this way...take a deep breath with me and know this:
We are not alone.
A song that I often have on replay, "Only You" by Adie, has this line that pierces my heart every time I listen to it while I seek after God in the mist of the storms raging in my mind,
"And it's just You and me, Lord".
So why can't I make that enough?
He is enough.
He always comforts me.
He always answers back.
He always takes care of us.
He always fills me with His peace that passes understanding.
He always wipes away tears and fills me with joy overflowing.
He always shows me He is working everything out for the good.
He always gives me the strength to press on.
He always shows me He is there.
He always loves me.
He is enough.
Thank you Lord, for being there for me. Thank you, Lord for "fearfully and wonderfully" creating me (Psalms 139:14) gave me this huge, compassionate heart to reach the world for You...I don't want to ever stop caring. I know we all go through times of hurt, but that just means there is a hurting world out there that NEEDS A HEALING GOD! And I want to be there to point others to You, Lord. To show them Your love covers all.
And thank you, Lord...You do know my personality (You created me) You know my need for others; You have always, no matter where I am at, placed so many wonderful people in my life that love and support me. I am not alone because You have blessed me with the most amazing family and friends. I do know that, Lord, and I thank You for them. And I thank all of You for always being there and I am sorry I am just being a dramatic, emotional mess right now. I know this time of hurting will pass, You always lift me back up when I am down. YOU ARE FAITHFUL, LORD!
If you are hurting today seek after Jesus with all your heart...HE WILL BE THERE! And His arms will be wide open ready to pour His love and peace on you.
Friday, August 27, 2010
What is your mind focusing on right now?
The overwhelming rush of negative thoughts, depressing emotions, your faults, fears that force you to live in a constant state of anxiety, stressful circumstances.....
Or on the blessings, joy, peace, and love that surround us if only we would open our eyes to all the Lord has to offer and clear our minds of the chaos.
I have a hard time with this....and I am sure I can say accurately...we all do.
I have spent the majority of my life focusing on my faults, and my shortcomings, and my failures, and my weaknesses, and my stressful situations. Thankfully God has been working on this over the last few years, and has been digging up the roots of insecurities and fears in my life and creating a strong, confident woman....but a human woman who still deals with thoughts...a human woman with ADHD who deals with many overactive thoughts bombarding my mind at a constant intense speed. So I can very much relate to someone who has to fall at the feet of their Heavenly Father often, and beg for a renewal of the mind!!
This came to my heart and mind tonight while talking with a friend about the war that rages in our minds.
Because His word says:
2 Corinthians 12:9
"I can do all things through Christ who gives us strength."
Philippians 4:13
"May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."
Colossians 1:11-14
We can get through this! We just have to daily CHOOSE to allow the promises of the Lord to take control over our thoughts, and kick the Devil's butt at the boxing match in our mind! And you know I love to use my muscles any chance I get!! LOL....however, this is just mental muscles that I need to daily allow God to develop in me so that I can stand firm in my faith!
I love Joyce Meyer's book Battlefield of the Mind, and I am going to start reading it again! I highly recommend it if you are dealing with overwhelming thoughts pulling you into dark pits that seem far out of reach of the Father's hands....
Thankfully He is there at the call of His name. Call on Jesus today. Allow Him to be your strength in this daily battle of mindsets!
The overwhelming rush of negative thoughts, depressing emotions, your faults, fears that force you to live in a constant state of anxiety, stressful circumstances.....
Or on the blessings, joy, peace, and love that surround us if only we would open our eyes to all the Lord has to offer and clear our minds of the chaos.
I have a hard time with this....and I am sure I can say accurately...we all do.
I have spent the majority of my life focusing on my faults, and my shortcomings, and my failures, and my weaknesses, and my stressful situations. Thankfully God has been working on this over the last few years, and has been digging up the roots of insecurities and fears in my life and creating a strong, confident woman....but a human woman who still deals with thoughts...a human woman with ADHD who deals with many overactive thoughts bombarding my mind at a constant intense speed. So I can very much relate to someone who has to fall at the feet of their Heavenly Father often, and beg for a renewal of the mind!!
This came to my heart and mind tonight while talking with a friend about the war that rages in our minds.
Because His word says:
2 Corinthians 12:9
"I can do all things through Christ who gives us strength."
Philippians 4:13
"May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."
Colossians 1:11-14
We can get through this! We just have to daily CHOOSE to allow the promises of the Lord to take control over our thoughts, and kick the Devil's butt at the boxing match in our mind! And you know I love to use my muscles any chance I get!! LOL....however, this is just mental muscles that I need to daily allow God to develop in me so that I can stand firm in my faith!
I love Joyce Meyer's book Battlefield of the Mind, and I am going to start reading it again! I highly recommend it if you are dealing with overwhelming thoughts pulling you into dark pits that seem far out of reach of the Father's hands....
Thankfully He is there at the call of His name. Call on Jesus today. Allow Him to be your strength in this daily battle of mindsets!
Monday, August 16, 2010
An Encouraging Story
While I was at a teacher's orientation this week, a man who works at our central office read the following inspiring story to us...and yes it took everything within me not to cry in front of hundreds of new colleagues. Yes, I am a big cry
I asked for a copy of it so I can share it with you...get the tissues ready. And if you don't cry, don't make fun of me for crying! I wish I knew the author, so I could give credit...but I hope you find encouragement today!
One day I decided to quit...
I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality...I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
"God," I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"
His answer surprised me...
"Look around," He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?
"Yes," I replied.
"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came fro the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo."
"In the second year, the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo." He said.
"In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit." He said.
"Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...BUT just six months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall."
"It had spent five years growing roots."
Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle."
He said to me, "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots?"
"I would not quit on the bamboo. Neither will I ever quit on you."
"Don't compare yourself to others," He said. "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet, they both make the forest beautiful."
"Your time will come," God said to me. "You will rise high!"
"How high should I rise?" I asked.
"How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.
"As high as it can?" I questioned.
"Yes," He said. "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."
I left the forest and bring back this story. I hope these words can help you see that GOD WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU. He will never give up on you
Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you happiness.
Bad days give you experiences;
both are essential to life.
Happiness keeps you sweet
Trials keep you strong
Sorrow keeps you human
Failures keep you humble
Success keeps you glowing
I asked for a copy of it so I can share it with you...get the tissues ready. And if you don't cry, don't make fun of me for crying! I wish I knew the author, so I could give credit...but I hope you find encouragement today!
One day I decided to quit...
I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality...I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
"God," I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"
His answer surprised me...
"Look around," He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?
"Yes," I replied.
"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came fro the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo."
"In the second year, the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo." He said.
"In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit." He said.
"Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...BUT just six months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall."
"It had spent five years growing roots."
Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle."
He said to me, "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots?"
"I would not quit on the bamboo. Neither will I ever quit on you."
"Don't compare yourself to others," He said. "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet, they both make the forest beautiful."
"Your time will come," God said to me. "You will rise high!"
"How high should I rise?" I asked.
"How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.
"As high as it can?" I questioned.
"Yes," He said. "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."
I left the forest and bring back this story. I hope these words can help you see that GOD WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU. He will never give up on you
Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you happiness.
Bad days give you experiences;
both are essential to life.
Happiness keeps you sweet
Trials keep you strong
Sorrow keeps you human
Failures keep you humble
Success keeps you glowing
Friday, August 13, 2010
calm your soul...

There is just something about laying by the pool or out on the beach that takes the weight of the world off your shoulders…although being blonde haired/blue eyed/and having skin whiter than the Cullen family; doing this WITHOUT SUNSCREEN is NOT recommended! a child of God, we can have this PEACE AT ALL TIMES!
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. And the PEACE OF GOD, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and you minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
No matter what you are going through right now...the peace of God is there for you. Just call out to Him...He can find you even in your darkest moment (He's got perfect night vision). And His peace will calm your soul. His Spirit will comfort you and renew you. Jesus can restore joy and laughter back into your life, and allow you to walk in strength and confidence!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
First of all let me start by saying how blessed I am with wonderful family and friends; no matter where I have been in my life (OH,FL,NC) God has placed numerous amounts of amazing people in my life...given that I am very much a needy people person, this is the biggest blessing to me. Whenever I think of it, it overwhelms me with the amount of love and support I have surrounding me at all times. To all of you: THANK YOU!
My BBFF was again just giving me some wonderful, much needed encouragement just now. And I am sure she wants me to grasp this concept so much that if she was standing next to me she would have wanted to literally beat it into my head...although she can't because she knows I am stronger than her with my massive muscles concealed in this short 5 foot frame of mine. But...anyways: she was wishing that I could really see in myself what other's see in me.
Why can't we?
I was just thinking about this earlier today while I was in a Science workshop for my new 2nd grade teaching job. The very tiny trainer had given this astronaut costume she was wearing to another teacher to put on as she was demonstrating an idea we can utilize in our classrooms; the other beautiful, very petite woman made a comment something along the lines of "Oh, I am not your small size, and I won't fit into this." To which the very small trainer replied, "Oh, I am like twice your size!" This is what we do...focus on only the negative in ourselves, yet are very aware of all the positive attributes that make up all those amazing people around know, the ones we will never compare to...THIS IS SO STUPID!!!! WHY DO WE DO IT????? And yes, as my sons would say, Mommy that is not a nice word--but it is the truth! It is stupid--point blank. And we need to stop doing that right now in Jesus name and realize our own self worth!
So many of us can quote this verse, yet so few of us believe it, accept it, nor live it.
Shockingly, I am going to make this short and sweet.
My BBFF was again just giving me some wonderful, much needed encouragement just now. And I am sure she wants me to grasp this concept so much that if she was standing next to me she would have wanted to literally beat it into my head...although she can't because she knows I am stronger than her with my massive muscles concealed in this short 5 foot frame of mine. But...anyways: she was wishing that I could really see in myself what other's see in me.
Why can't we?
I was just thinking about this earlier today while I was in a Science workshop for my new 2nd grade teaching job. The very tiny trainer had given this astronaut costume she was wearing to another teacher to put on as she was demonstrating an idea we can utilize in our classrooms; the other beautiful, very petite woman made a comment something along the lines of "Oh, I am not your small size, and I won't fit into this." To which the very small trainer replied, "Oh, I am like twice your size!" This is what we do...focus on only the negative in ourselves, yet are very aware of all the positive attributes that make up all those amazing people around know, the ones we will never compare to...THIS IS SO STUPID!!!! WHY DO WE DO IT????? And yes, as my sons would say, Mommy that is not a nice word--but it is the truth! It is stupid--point blank. And we need to stop doing that right now in Jesus name and realize our own self worth!
So many of us can quote this verse, yet so few of us believe it, accept it, nor live it.
Shockingly, I am going to make this short and sweet.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
It's All About You, Lord
You are my everything, Lord
You are my breath of fresh air after drowning in chaos
You are my strong wind of motivation
You are my better than chocolate on an emotional day
You are my strength, making me like a lily in a ditch standing tall,
beautiful, and bold
You are my uplifting moment found in the middle of a hot bubble bath
You are my knight in shinning armor always there to rescue me
You are my favorite song to dance to
You are my peace in unbearable moments
You are my comfort like the perfect pair of flip flops when you need them
You are my whispers of hope found in the dark
You are my direction, my lighthouse, always guiding me back to You
You are my calm in the storm
You are my positive outlet
You are my grace when I have fallen or lost my way
You are my joy that causes me to sing praise to You
You are found in the hug of a best friend
You are found in the laughter of children running barefoot in rain puddles
You are found in an encouraging txt from a loved one
You are found in the power of the oceans waves
You are found in holding the chubby little hand of your child
or holding the strong hand of someone who adores you
You are found in unexpected miracles
You are found in flower surprises
You are found in family vacations and fishing trips
You are found in moments of desperation or moments on the mountain tops
You are found in a fun competitive game of volleyball with a church family
You are found in new adventures
You are found in the rainbow among the dark storm clouds that gives us
hope to move on
You are found in the worshiping of a young boy while listening to
his mp3 player
You are found in the quiet moments
You are my everything, Lord
You are my breath of fresh air after drowning in chaos
You are my strong wind of motivation
You are my better than chocolate on an emotional day
You are my strength, making me like a lily in a ditch standing tall,
beautiful, and bold
You are my uplifting moment found in the middle of a hot bubble bath
You are my knight in shinning armor always there to rescue me
You are my favorite song to dance to
You are my peace in unbearable moments
You are my comfort like the perfect pair of flip flops when you need them
You are my whispers of hope found in the dark
You are my direction, my lighthouse, always guiding me back to You
You are my calm in the storm
You are my positive outlet
You are my grace when I have fallen or lost my way
You are my joy that causes me to sing praise to You
You are found in the hug of a best friend
You are found in the laughter of children running barefoot in rain puddles
You are found in an encouraging txt from a loved one
You are found in the power of the oceans waves
You are found in holding the chubby little hand of your child
or holding the strong hand of someone who adores you
You are found in unexpected miracles
You are found in flower surprises
You are found in family vacations and fishing trips
You are found in moments of desperation or moments on the mountain tops
You are found in a fun competitive game of volleyball with a church family
You are found in new adventures
You are found in the rainbow among the dark storm clouds that gives us
hope to move on
You are found in the worshiping of a young boy while listening to
his mp3 player
You are found in the quiet moments
You are my everything, Lord
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I was blessed by the txt message of a very special friend the other day. When I was seeking after just some sort of good news...he reminded me that I am saved and never have to know what it feels like to burn in hell! Well, amen! I was very encouraged and touched, and reminded that I have so many things to be thankful for.
I am blessed to be a child of God, I am blessed to be filled with His joy and peace, I am blessed to be covered by His grace....and all of those things are truly good news; news that overrides all the bad, and I am very thankful for that!
He said that I never have to feel the fires of hell, and I want to add to this...we all go through battles here on earth that can sometimes feel like we are going through hell. Each one of the things I am dealing with on their own can be extremely tough to deal with, but then you pile them all on top of each other, and it can be overwhelming! I have been writing about, I have a choice on how to approach these battles...focusing on the hell of it all, or praising God and turning to Him knowing that I am blessed and victorious; I am NOT DEFEATED, BUT I AM SAVED!
When we are children of God we are victorious and do not have to walk in condemnation or defeat! We are saved by grace and we are made complete in Christ!
My pastor's wife's lesson last night also went along with this combating the negative things/thoughts in our lives with the positive truths of God's word...His promises are for us to claim and live daily. I am accepting those promises in my life today! I am proclaiming the good news of God! I serve an awesome God who is worthy to be praised. A God that has not forgotten me, and a God that knows my name, and a God that hears my prayers, and a God that is always there!
Be of good cheer and live in the joy of the Lord! Praise Him and be thankful for all the blessings in your life. This the day that the Lord has made and I will be glad and rejoice in it! SO COME ON AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND JUST JUMP FOR JOY!
I am blessed to be a child of God, I am blessed to be filled with His joy and peace, I am blessed to be covered by His grace....and all of those things are truly good news; news that overrides all the bad, and I am very thankful for that!
He said that I never have to feel the fires of hell, and I want to add to this...we all go through battles here on earth that can sometimes feel like we are going through hell. Each one of the things I am dealing with on their own can be extremely tough to deal with, but then you pile them all on top of each other, and it can be overwhelming! I have been writing about, I have a choice on how to approach these battles...focusing on the hell of it all, or praising God and turning to Him knowing that I am blessed and victorious; I am NOT DEFEATED, BUT I AM SAVED!
When we are children of God we are victorious and do not have to walk in condemnation or defeat! We are saved by grace and we are made complete in Christ!
My pastor's wife's lesson last night also went along with this combating the negative things/thoughts in our lives with the positive truths of God's word...His promises are for us to claim and live daily. I am accepting those promises in my life today! I am proclaiming the good news of God! I serve an awesome God who is worthy to be praised. A God that has not forgotten me, and a God that knows my name, and a God that hears my prayers, and a God that is always there!
Be of good cheer and live in the joy of the Lord! Praise Him and be thankful for all the blessings in your life. This the day that the Lord has made and I will be glad and rejoice in it! SO COME ON AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND JUST JUMP FOR JOY!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I have written about waiting before, we go again!
“They that WAIT upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not fait.”
Isaiah 40:31
While I was spending some time reading my Bible the other day, the word wait came up at least 3 times…
I have a hard time with waiting.
I was thinking about some men in the Bible who had to wait, such as Noah, who had to wait 120 years before it rained after he finished the ark. I feel like the last 7 years of my life I have been waiting on three big desires of my heart…and I have not been waiting patiently, I am ashamed to say….so Noah, you rock! But, I have been throwing some pretty childish tantrums over what I want:
1. A writing career (want to be a published author) and motivational speaking career (job/financial stability alone would be fabulous)
2. A nice house (with a huge fenced in back yard for the boys to run free! Also a nice big kitchen for me, I love to cook!)
3. A husband (one who is a great man of God. Someone to talk with…yes, I love to talk, and laugh with always. And I want a man of God in the home for the boys, someone to help me raise them in God’s way.
My patience runs very thin from time to time; I do think overall I have done well, but waiting is just not easy for me, I get too anxious and I am ready for a change or for things to go my way, for my dreams to come true, for my prayers…my pleas from my heart to be answered, to have more direction and guidance. It is hard for me to wait. I get my fingers a-drummin’ on the table top, my foot a-shakin’, I start pacin’, I start complaining, I start crying, and begging, “I want it NOW! God!!!!”
I don’t know God’s plan, but I do know His ways are perfect and His timing is perfect…as hard as that is to hear because all of those three things I really do want NOW. Some days each desire is stronger than another; like today I heard a song that made my heart ache for number 3, but the day before I was in Barns & Noble looking for book publishers to send my book off to again; hence, number 1 was my main hearts desire. And I want number 2 every time I have to clean this small apartment, or every time the boys are driving me crazy while flipping over (and breaking) the furniture because they need to get outside and run! These are things that are so important to me…and all of them seem impossible, but I serve an awesome God who exceeds the natural and works in the supernatural; therefore all things are possible! (Matthew 19:26)
A few weeks ago, my pastor’s wife/ my wonderful friend was teaching her lesson to our Wed. night ladies group, (my favorite time of the week! Love Ya Ladies!) and she passionately delivered one of the best lessons she has ever given (and I love all her lessons, she is a great speaker/challenger/encourager/woman of God), but she asked us this question:
If I have to live pay check to paycheck for the rest of my life…is God enough?
If I never become a published writer…is God enough?
If I never get a house…is God enough?
If I have to sleep alone for the rest of my life…is God enough?
If I never feel the passionate love of a husband ever again…is God enough?
If I never have an amazing man marry me; a man to laugh with, cry with, smile with, pray with, grow with, vacation with, uplift in the troubled times, dance in the joyful times, read God’s word with in decision making times, help with the boys in all times…is God enough?
I also know that God knows the desires of my heart, and He wants to bless me, and I am believing for that….so I must ask this:
In the waiting times…is God enough?
Whatever you are waiting for, first let go and trust God…know that He has a plan and a timing for everything. But ask yourself…no matter what you are going through right now as you read this, is God enough?
I KNOW HE IS…and I can type this with a peace that passes all understanding, a joy that overflows in my heart, with strength for each day, and with Godly wisdom that supersedes the natural.
Below are just some wonderful scriptures that I feel align with the ideas in this post:
“And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you.” Psalm 39:7
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
Hebrews 11:1
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-3
“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you” Matthew 6:33
“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let you heart take courage; wait for the Lord!”
Psalm 27: 14
These are some of the songs (I get mine from itunes) that always uplift and encourage me in times of waiting, in the lonely moments, when I am thinking of my dreams and desires, when letting go and seeking God’s will, in times of depression, and/or in the deepest, darkness of the pit that you may find yourself in right now:
“While I’m Waiting” by John Waller
“Only You” by Adie
“You’re the One” & “Your Will” by Devin Williams
“You are For Me” & “The More I seek You” by Kari Jobe
“Rescue” by Newsong
“Made Me Glad” by Hillsong
“Cry On My Shoulder” by Overflow
“Grace Flows Down” by Passion
“My Hope is You” by Third Day
“Sweetly Broken” by Jeremy Riddle
“Your Beloved” by Brent Helming
“Always” by Building 429
“How Great is Our God” by Chris Tomlin
“What Faith Can Do” by Kutless
“The Climb” by Miley Cyrus (I know this not Christian, but the words are encouraging when you are going through something)
Monday, July 19, 2010
An no this is not about the old Sir Mix-A-Lot just thought it would be a funny title. Although, let me say one day while I was at work, walking down our open hallways, I caught my reflection in the long row of windows, and I was very startled and jumped wondering what in the world is that behind me!! Oh yeah...think of that song, and see where I'm going with this. LOL.
Anyways, on to more important things....I AM BACK BABY, AND BETTER THAN EVER! My mind is finally clear and at peace, praise God. I have finally been able to do what I have been writing about and let go and really give it all to God, and allow His peace take over and calm my mind. My joy has been restored and I am back to my fun-loving, goofy, blonde I have at last been able to hold a conversation without crying out of being overwhelmed. I am just so thankful for God's presence in my life, and don't know where I would be without His grace, hope, and love.
Now let me add this, nothing has far as my circumstances (the things that have been overwhelming me), they have not changed. I still have no job stability, I still don't even know if I will have a job in August, my dreams of a writer have not come true yet, I am still feeling very claustrophobic in my small apartment, I still don't know if I should move back home to Ohio or stay in my sunny North Carolina, I am still laying in bed alone every night, I still have a wonderful, lol, ex-husband, and I still have the worries of being a single mom of two active, young boys (although that is a major blessing and I love being a mom more than anything, it can just be difficult sometimes). So...none of these things have change, BUT my mindset has, thanks to my loving Heavenly Father who is always there to wipe my tears, pick me up, and put me back on His solid rock! Amen!
I am just very excited and full of hope!
Please know that God's peace is also available to you! No matter what you are facing, God is bigger, and He can either calm the storm, OR CALM YOU IN THE STORM!
Anyways, on to more important things....I AM BACK BABY, AND BETTER THAN EVER! My mind is finally clear and at peace, praise God. I have finally been able to do what I have been writing about and let go and really give it all to God, and allow His peace take over and calm my mind. My joy has been restored and I am back to my fun-loving, goofy, blonde I have at last been able to hold a conversation without crying out of being overwhelmed. I am just so thankful for God's presence in my life, and don't know where I would be without His grace, hope, and love.
Now let me add this, nothing has far as my circumstances (the things that have been overwhelming me), they have not changed. I still have no job stability, I still don't even know if I will have a job in August, my dreams of a writer have not come true yet, I am still feeling very claustrophobic in my small apartment, I still don't know if I should move back home to Ohio or stay in my sunny North Carolina, I am still laying in bed alone every night, I still have a wonderful, lol, ex-husband, and I still have the worries of being a single mom of two active, young boys (although that is a major blessing and I love being a mom more than anything, it can just be difficult sometimes). So...none of these things have change, BUT my mindset has, thanks to my loving Heavenly Father who is always there to wipe my tears, pick me up, and put me back on His solid rock! Amen!
I am just very excited and full of hope!
Please know that God's peace is also available to you! No matter what you are facing, God is bigger, and He can either calm the storm, OR CALM YOU IN THE STORM!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Weight vs. Warrior
“But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” & “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called for his purpose.” Romans 8: 25 & 28
Some how my room has become the storage closet yet again…and not a neat, organized storage space—a disaster of mountains of mess. I have attempted many times this week to walk in there and tackle the chaos, but then backed out of there overwhelmed with the weight of the disorder in my home. But I have also been carrying around the weight of confusion in my mind….and I am worn out.
I sent out 2 txt to many of my friends the other day with the verse above, and then a txt following that which stated something like this: Stop focusing on the WEIGHT of your circumstances and search for the WARRIOR within you; since Christ is in you, you have the strength to be victorious in all areas of your lives! Jesus gives us the strength to fight the good fight of faith! Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” We know this verse, we have heard it many times, it is written upon our hearts, but….do we ever really live in the power of it? Do we accept its truth and live it each day? Or do we allow the weight of the world, the nonsense of the negative, the power of the pity-party, the depression of the disastrous mistakes we make to settle in and take up a home in our hearts until we can no longer see the light. Thankfully Christ is a light that cuts through even the darkest moments in our lives. Thankfully His yoke is easy and His burdens are light….which means if we let go (as I was saying in the last post) and we give it all to God, we can have peace and know that “ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD”! So we can rest in that peace and that promise and “WAIT FOR IT WITH PATIENCE.” We can wait on the Lord and allow him to renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31).
The definition of warrior states: a man engaged or experienced in warfare. A person engaged in some struggle or conflict.
If we are living life we will be actively engaged in conficits/struggles/circumstances. We can choose our plan of attack by first choosing to have God be our central source of strength and our central command unit; who we go to for wisdom. Second: our mindset it a choice, as I stated earlier, we can choose to focus on the weight or the warrior; focusing on the weight only brings defeat, focusing on the warrior within us and Christ’s strength brings victory…and this is the hard part to grasp…even if the circumstance does not change, we can have victory in our lives by living in the peace that passes all understanding, the peace that overrides the circumstance and causes us to live joyfully no matter what. I have not been doing that lately, I have been focusing on the negative facts in my life instead of seeing the Savior working in me; building character as he continues to form me into His likeness. Our mindset is vital for victory! I need Jesus to renew my mindset today…how about you?
Romans goes on to say in Chapter 8: “If God is for us, who can be against us? He did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died, more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is intercede for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? SHALL TRIBULATION, OR DISTRESS, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?” Verse 37 answers this: “NO, IN ALL THESE THINGS WE ARE MORE THAN CONQEURORS THROUGH HIM WHO LOVED US.”!
I am a child of God and He’s got my back! Amen!
No matter what we go through, He is faithful, He is there, He cares, He responds!
It may not always be in the way we want or expect…but if we allow Him, he will take all that we go through and use it for good and for His glory!
“Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called.” 1 Timothy 6:12
Some how my room has become the storage closet yet again…and not a neat, organized storage space—a disaster of mountains of mess. I have attempted many times this week to walk in there and tackle the chaos, but then backed out of there overwhelmed with the weight of the disorder in my home. But I have also been carrying around the weight of confusion in my mind….and I am worn out.
I sent out 2 txt to many of my friends the other day with the verse above, and then a txt following that which stated something like this: Stop focusing on the WEIGHT of your circumstances and search for the WARRIOR within you; since Christ is in you, you have the strength to be victorious in all areas of your lives! Jesus gives us the strength to fight the good fight of faith! Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” We know this verse, we have heard it many times, it is written upon our hearts, but….do we ever really live in the power of it? Do we accept its truth and live it each day? Or do we allow the weight of the world, the nonsense of the negative, the power of the pity-party, the depression of the disastrous mistakes we make to settle in and take up a home in our hearts until we can no longer see the light. Thankfully Christ is a light that cuts through even the darkest moments in our lives. Thankfully His yoke is easy and His burdens are light….which means if we let go (as I was saying in the last post) and we give it all to God, we can have peace and know that “ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD”! So we can rest in that peace and that promise and “WAIT FOR IT WITH PATIENCE.” We can wait on the Lord and allow him to renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31).
The definition of warrior states: a man engaged or experienced in warfare. A person engaged in some struggle or conflict.
If we are living life we will be actively engaged in conficits/struggles/circumstances. We can choose our plan of attack by first choosing to have God be our central source of strength and our central command unit; who we go to for wisdom. Second: our mindset it a choice, as I stated earlier, we can choose to focus on the weight or the warrior; focusing on the weight only brings defeat, focusing on the warrior within us and Christ’s strength brings victory…and this is the hard part to grasp…even if the circumstance does not change, we can have victory in our lives by living in the peace that passes all understanding, the peace that overrides the circumstance and causes us to live joyfully no matter what. I have not been doing that lately, I have been focusing on the negative facts in my life instead of seeing the Savior working in me; building character as he continues to form me into His likeness. Our mindset is vital for victory! I need Jesus to renew my mindset today…how about you?
Romans goes on to say in Chapter 8: “If God is for us, who can be against us? He did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died, more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is intercede for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? SHALL TRIBULATION, OR DISTRESS, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?” Verse 37 answers this: “NO, IN ALL THESE THINGS WE ARE MORE THAN CONQEURORS THROUGH HIM WHO LOVED US.”!
I am a child of God and He’s got my back! Amen!
No matter what we go through, He is faithful, He is there, He cares, He responds!
It may not always be in the way we want or expect…but if we allow Him, he will take all that we go through and use it for good and for His glory!
“Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called.” 1 Timothy 6:12
Friday, July 16, 2010
Be Anxious for Nothing...
I am letting go....
I lay in my bed last night with the worst headache I've had in a long time, and it didn't help that my mind has still been a whirlwind of thoughts/emotions/worries/ideas...and I could finally pray, after months of turmoil:
"God, I am letting go. Your ways and plans for my life are so much better anyways...why do I stubbornly hold on so tight? If I don't give it to can't fix it!"
I am letting go of all my worries.
I am letting go of all my fears.
I am letting go of all my anxieties.
I am letting go of all my pain.
I am letting go of all my unanswered questions.
I am letting go of all my desires.
I want your will for my life Lord...but I have to hand over mine.
I gladly do that now Lord, your perfect plan for my life far exceeds my own desires, and what greater things can you do in my life if I allow you to.
My mind has been a mess, but I am so thankful that even in my darkest hour Lord, you can still see me. Even in the loneliest moment Lord, you are with me. Even in the loudness of my chaotic mind, you can still hear my cries as I call out to you. You reach down with those nail-scarred hands, and now all I feel is your love and peace. Thank you Lord.
"Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus." Philip. 4:6-7
I give it to you God, and you replace it with peace.
I praise your name Lord, and I am thankful for your peace that plows through my mess and clears it out like a bulldozer preparing the way for a new road...your new path is one of joy, peace, strength, love, and wisdom.
"Be joyful aways, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks. For this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thess. 5:16
I have more reasons to praise you Lord than I do to continue to live in the pity party of dark pits.
I will praise you for your grace, Jesus.
I will praise you for your peace, Jesus.
I will praise you for your blessings, Jesus.
I will praise you for you are worthy to be praised, Jesus.
I will praise you for your creative beauty that surrounds me everyday, Jesus.
I will praise you for the laughter and joy that comes from being a mom, Jesus.
I will praise you for the wonderful family/friends you have blessed me with, Jesus.
I will praise you for your unconditional love that sooths me even in the mist of my most miserable moment in the loneliest hours, that love that overrides the lies being whispered in the darkness, that I am unlovable and unworthy...for I can lay at your feet and worship you, and feel your presence take over, and allow you to destroy any roots of negative insecurity in my life by the power of your blood that flows through me, Jesus!
I will praise you for all that you have done in my life, Jesus.
I will praise you for all you have done in the lives of those I love, Jesus.
I will praise you for the strength you provide me with in my weakest moments, Jesus.
I will praise you for you are righteous and wonderful, Jesus.
I will praise you holy and magnificent, Jesus.
I will praise you for there is no other name worthy to be praised, Jesus.
If you are caught in the tangled life of lies that the devil spreads throughout your on your Savior, Jesus, let it all go at His feet...and never turn back! He has it all under control. Let him fill you with a new song of praise today!
I lay in my bed last night with the worst headache I've had in a long time, and it didn't help that my mind has still been a whirlwind of thoughts/emotions/worries/ideas...and I could finally pray, after months of turmoil:
"God, I am letting go. Your ways and plans for my life are so much better anyways...why do I stubbornly hold on so tight? If I don't give it to can't fix it!"
I am letting go of all my worries.
I am letting go of all my fears.
I am letting go of all my anxieties.
I am letting go of all my pain.
I am letting go of all my unanswered questions.
I am letting go of all my desires.
I want your will for my life Lord...but I have to hand over mine.
I gladly do that now Lord, your perfect plan for my life far exceeds my own desires, and what greater things can you do in my life if I allow you to.
My mind has been a mess, but I am so thankful that even in my darkest hour Lord, you can still see me. Even in the loneliest moment Lord, you are with me. Even in the loudness of my chaotic mind, you can still hear my cries as I call out to you. You reach down with those nail-scarred hands, and now all I feel is your love and peace. Thank you Lord.
"Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus." Philip. 4:6-7
I give it to you God, and you replace it with peace.
I praise your name Lord, and I am thankful for your peace that plows through my mess and clears it out like a bulldozer preparing the way for a new road...your new path is one of joy, peace, strength, love, and wisdom.
"Be joyful aways, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks. For this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thess. 5:16
I have more reasons to praise you Lord than I do to continue to live in the pity party of dark pits.
I will praise you for your grace, Jesus.
I will praise you for your peace, Jesus.
I will praise you for your blessings, Jesus.
I will praise you for you are worthy to be praised, Jesus.
I will praise you for your creative beauty that surrounds me everyday, Jesus.
I will praise you for the laughter and joy that comes from being a mom, Jesus.
I will praise you for the wonderful family/friends you have blessed me with, Jesus.
I will praise you for your unconditional love that sooths me even in the mist of my most miserable moment in the loneliest hours, that love that overrides the lies being whispered in the darkness, that I am unlovable and unworthy...for I can lay at your feet and worship you, and feel your presence take over, and allow you to destroy any roots of negative insecurity in my life by the power of your blood that flows through me, Jesus!
I will praise you for all that you have done in my life, Jesus.
I will praise you for all you have done in the lives of those I love, Jesus.
I will praise you for the strength you provide me with in my weakest moments, Jesus.
I will praise you for you are righteous and wonderful, Jesus.
I will praise you holy and magnificent, Jesus.
I will praise you for there is no other name worthy to be praised, Jesus.
If you are caught in the tangled life of lies that the devil spreads throughout your on your Savior, Jesus, let it all go at His feet...and never turn back! He has it all under control. Let him fill you with a new song of praise today!
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