Though the sorrow may last
for the night...
JOY comes in the morning!
One of the best things about me being alone this last six years (wow....yeah I'm actually saying there was good to come of it...I know my close friends will be shocked, but I am so thankful for what God has done in my life these last 6 years and would not change it) was that whenever I began to feel lonely; God placed in me a pleading prayer life for marriages. Instead of whining about being alone...I would put all my passion into praying for God to strengthen marriages and families, and for God to be put back into the center of homes again. For husbands to rise up and be the strong men of God he is calling them to be. And for wives to grow in their confidence in who they are in God, and allow Him to daily develop a Proverbs 31 woman in them; building Godly character in them so that their husband and children will rise up and call them blessed. For children, even young ones, to find such a deep desire to serve Christ, and to fall deeply in love with Him that nothing in this wicked world will compare to that relationship with their Heavenly Father. Then a true generation of warriors for Christ will rise up in our schools and many will follow.
I pray for passion to reenter marriages; a deep selfless desire to grow truly into one spirit....to become one as the word says...in every area of a marriage. I pray for communication barriers to be broken and for the impossible to be done in marriages and families. I want to hear testimonies about the marriages of those I love becoming the new standard of Godly marriages- that many others come to them to find out what makes their marriages work and so filled with passion, confidence, joy, peace, and love. The answer--God is in the center again!
I am so thankful that joy can come again to the lives of those I love deeply. Because it is promiced in His word. There is only one place to find this joy we seek after....at the feet of the One who believes in us, and who created the family, and whose heart is also pleading at the feet of His Father on our behalf.
I pray that your home is filled with laughter, dancing, peace, strength, wisdom, love, and joy in the powerful name of Jesus.
If you are hurting...if your pillow was covered with tears last night....please know there is a Savior, a friend, who cares and hears your pain crying out from the depths of your heart. He is there even when you feel so distant. He will never leave you nor forsake you. And if you can just let go of all that you are tightly holding onto (and I am saying this to myself as well) worries, doubt, fears, anxiety, your desires, your pain, and your problems.....
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