"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord"
This song just came to mind....and my response to that was....yeah, I am sure that would be better than the "waaa,waaa,waaa" He normally hears out of my mouth...lol.
As a parent, I often find myself getting on my children while they throw a tantrum, and then a few minutes later thinking....OK God, I get it...I throw my adult tantrums far too often as well...
How often do we "stomp our feet" and "throw a fit" when we don't get what we want? Or when things don't go they way we like them to go? It may not look as bad as when a child throws a hissy fit....but news flash...it is the same thing...
It hurts me, too every time I get a God check on my attitude...
When we "pout" about life, we are complaining to God, and basically telling Him, "You just ain't getting it right God" Hmmmmm...I wonder how much He likes to hear that.....probably about as much as we like to hear the whining, complaining, arguing, door slamming, fussing, and fit throwing of our children...
I don't know about you, but it grates my every nerve to hear all that mess...
Now, thankfully we have a very loving, compassionate, understanding Heavenly father, and we can ALWAYS go to Him about anything. I am not trying to say don't be real with God. He knows all, and knows our heart, and wants us to go before Him with an open and honest heart. But what I am trying to say it that we need to often check our spirit, our tone, our attitude, and our heart...
Are we just always whining to Him? Or in the mist of being real with Him, are we also making a joyful noise before Him...one that He can take delight in? We are called to forever sing praises to Him, for He is worthy!!
There is always something to be thankful for--count your blessings! If you take time to notice, there is always something beautiful that God has created for us to enjoy, and hello--smile about! Throughout your day, God is there in all you do and encounter...praise Him for it! Let your heart be filled with joy, and share it with the world...I know...I was just thinking I sound like those women in beauty pageants that say, all I hope for is world peace. (I was just thinking of the movie Miss Congeniality lol) Well...what is wrong with that?? Nothing.
I promise...the more you do it...the lighter you will feel...and the happier you will be. When positive words are always on your lips, and praise to God is always in your heart...you will find you are living the abundant life God promises for you.
The words in the song "Take Control" by my friend Devin Williams always helps me with my attitude check times: "When I open my eyes...let Your light shine. When I open my mouth...let Your words come out. My life is Yours. My life is Yours" Also, repeat this verse, "Create in me a pure heart, oh God, renew a steadfast spirit within me" Psalm 51:10. When you find yourself in a slump...pray these words, and allow God to heal your heart so that you can sing a song of praise.
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