Tuesday, July 26, 2011

just a lump of mud

"Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, You are the potter; we are all the work of Your hand." Isaiah 64:8

Why do we try to reverse the roles? Why do we think that we have to be the one to make ourselves into this perfect image...it's His job...so let Him do it.

Stop struggling with the idea that you are not good enough and you mess up to much; so you're cracked, and scratched, and bruised, and scarred, but let the powerful hands of Christ be the one to smooth away those rough edges, molding you into His image.

We can't do it on our own, in our own strength, so we need to stop trying. Daily we need to keep giving our life over to Christ and allow him to do the shaping and refining; trusting in His plan that He can use a variety of ways to do that. We complain and/or question life, circumstances, places we are at...but yet we never know what Christ is using as tools to create a masterpiece in us. Not only can he use circumstances or places in our lives, like our jobs, to work on us, but He may also have you exactly where He wants you in order to reach out to certain people; therefore do not miss out on the those opportunities by trying to take away the control of the Potter and work things out your own way....because you are just a lump of mud my friend.

The good news is, you are a lump of mud that is found precious, worthy, and beautiful in the eyes of Jesus. He has great plans for your life, so just let the Potter do His job!

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