No, that doesn't mean I am speechless...sorry, that is only on very rare occasions. I just don't even know where this blog is going to go; I am typing from a hurting heart.
I am really devastated for many reasons; mainly at the way I just acted, and how it effected my precious boys. I just slammed the door in their daddy's face....
I can go on and on about how he deserved it...but...
I am disgusted with myself for the way I just hurt the boys- I once again let me emotions determine my reactions to a situation.
I am disgusted with myself for the way I just hurt the boys- I once again let me emotions determine my reactions to a situation.
They were so hurt...and then so confused that my sweet ten year old ended up apologizing to me! So, now I even feel worse.
Lord, I just want it to all be fixed for them! I don't want them to have to deal with all this mess anymore! I cannot believe how royally bad I not only screwed up my life when I married that insane man, but these amazing young boys will forever have to pay for my mistake. I am just really hurting and don't know what to do. How do I take away their hurt and confusion? How do I get them through this situation when there is no end to it? They will always have to deal with this split home with two completely different lifestyles going on.
And many have to deal with this. It breaks my heart and brings raging anger in me at the same time! Someone needs to stand up and take the enemy down! I just asked what can I do? The only thing I can do- PRAY!
And its the only thing I need to do-because praying powerful prayers to a faithful Father = positive results. (A.K.A. = MIRACLES)
And I still believe in miracles!
I may not be able to fix their dad's mindset and turn him into a Christian, I may not be able to fix all the problems for those I love, and I may not be able to fix every broken home and heart...BUT I KNOW SOMEONE WHO CAN!
And He is not a door slammer, He is One who is knocking at your heart's door just wanting to come in and pour out love and mercy on you. And, He is One who can repair all that is broken! And, He is One who can take something painful and replace it with peace. And, He is One who can take all the mistakes, the missteps, the wrong turns, and the faults and turn them into something strong, beautiful, amazing, and something that glorifies the God of the universe! He can use all that we have faced to create strong roots of faith in us that are not easily shaken and that allow amazing attributes to blossom from our lives in order to draw others to Him.
My powerful prayers will help proclaim all that God can do in the lives of my boys, and all those dealing with brokenness right now. Praying without doubt will unlock so many miracles!
You see, what just happened the devil started to use as yet another stumbling block to either allow me to focus on my bitterness towards the irresponsibility of their dad, or to focus on my many mistakes as a mother, however, my loving Jesus brought all His words of truth back to the forefront of my heart and mind and allowed me to remember the power of prayer. Even the power of prayer for my enemies. I pray right now-first of all for forgiveness for my behavior, and then I will accept His grace and move on with my powerful prayers; not allowing another trap of the devil to distract me- condemnation- because I know God's truth- "there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus". I pray for my boys to grow up to be strong warriors in the Kingdom of God. I will also pray for their dad to find the love of an amazing Savior and for His mindset and heart to reflect the Heavenly Father so that he can be an amazing earthly father to these boys. I will also continue to take the devil down by praying for me to be used by God to continue to attack and fight against the battle of insecurity that rages in our world and allows those enslaved by it to be blindly led into things like marrying someone who is not God's best for them, or many terrible things as the darkness takes over. But I, as a warrior princess for Christ, will continue to shine the light of Christ in those dark pits and pull people from them and point them to Jesus!
So let me use my righteous anger to slam the door in the devil's face and say- it stops here!
Jesus- I believe in your almighty power and I pray with faith for those who are hurting tonight to first of all find you in such a real way that they never let go, and also for their pain to be replaced with peace, strength, and joy in the powerful name of Jesus! And all God's people said- Amen!
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