Down in the dark, the trench, the abyss-
Life is chaotic, overwhelming, I feel clueless.
I don't know which way to go, which way to head-
I feel like a zombie- the walking dead.
The joy has been sucked from my life like a vacuum-
Everywhere I turn the signs read destruction and doom.
I don't know how to laugh anymore-
The house is a disasters- dishes piled higher than the cupboard door!
It's all too much to take-
I fear my sanity is at stake.
It's hard to take the next breath as the darkness devours
All the strength I have to survive another hour.
I have only one last hope, as I weep, I pray-
He shows up and picks me up from the dirt and dust!
Having Him as my Savior is an absolute must!
It is the key to not only surviving,
But giving Him my life means I will be thriving!
Releasing to Him my fears, my worry, my stress-
Allows Him to replace it with victory and success!
Not only will I no longer be dying,
But my blessings will be multiplying!
You see this is a promise from my Father above-
I am an heir to His throne, my God who is full of unconditional love!
We have more than we need with Jesus in our lives-
Those dark ditches no longer can bear down on us weight and strife!
He will restore my peace, my strength, my joy!
I can no longer be manipulated like the devil's toy.
I can shout powerful prayers and praise-
As His mighty hands grab me out of the deep- my life he does raise!
Because the same power that raised Christ from the dead on the third day-
Is the one that lives in me and allows me to say-
So whatever you face you must know-
You are a winner with Jesus and through your life His glory will show!
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