Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Happy Place

Dear Wonderfully Made Friends,

My all time favorite kids movie is Finding Nemo! There are so many awesome lines and lessons in that movie! And...Dori and I...let's just say- we could be related!
Well, I was just thinking of one of those lines from that fabulous movie,
"Find a happy place, find a happy place, find a happy place!"

I was, well...having a moment- if you will...lol.  You know a cross between a tantrum, a pity party, a rush of hormones & just a lot of mess! I am a woman, so I guess you know what I can blame it on- and it ain't the rain! (Sorry old 80's flashback to Milli Vanilli-lol) Anyways, so that phrase "Find a happy place" fit that moment.

And then I was reminded of where my happy place is...at the feet of Jesus!

When you need to find a "Happy Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Peaceful Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Restful Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Accepting Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Loving Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Guidance Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Graceful Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Joyful Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a - you fill it in with whatever you need and there is a one stop shop place to go! Do you get the picture! Fall at the Heavenly Father's feet and find all that you need! The best thing is- it is 100% guaranteed!  I need Him right now- desperately! I am going to go find my rest and strength in Him! I hope you seek after Him as well! It is not hard- just call on His name- He will be there!

Praying for you friends! Praying as well for all my teacher buddies out there- REMEMBER WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES US STRENGTH! And praying for all those wonderful children heading back into the schools- the government may have taken God out of the schools, but I will surely keep Him there! Praying that children grow & learn as well as treat each other with love & build each other up with encouragement and kindness!  I am praying the schools see amazing miracles this year in so many different ways! I pray that kids & teachers walk in Christ confidence each day!

Christina Gail

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