I wish I was a bear...first they get to stuff there face with food to store up fat for the winter...and the fatter the better (and cuter...which is not so true for me!)and then they get to sleep all winter!! Well..I was working on the first part wishing it would lead into the hibernation when the reality hits me in the face while I was standing in front of a mirror....I am not a bear, and this is not working out for me! Now I am sick to my stomach and overwhelmed with guilt as I throw away the empty Crunch-n-Munch box...at this point begging for the hibernation because of the humiliation I am feeling as I stare at my reflection that I promise you seem to be growing larger by the moment! A bad day led to weakness and weakness led to worthlessness....
So the worst way to end my bad day: I am laying in bed and my son comes in and crawls up in bed with me and says "Mommy, when you send me to me room whenever I am in trouble...I say mean things about you."
I am trying not to drench my laptop with tears as I type this because kick ya when you're down doesn't even began to cut it with this comment....
Have you ever had one of these days???
Although I am someone who usually shares all anyways...this is very hard to post (no one likes to air their dirty laundry for all to see)...but today I was thinking about a comment someone posted listing the realities of life to me, and debating that fact that life could be extraordinary....
Believe me, I do understand the concept of all hell being unleashed, and when it rains it pours.
I hurt like you hurt, I cry like you cry, I am aching inside as I type this for so many reasons I can't even unscramble them all in order to get them all written down so that you can understand; I get it...life is messy...
As I type this my beautiful son is laying next to me in bed right now, and all I want to do is hold him, and love on him, and take away all the hurt, pain, frustration, sorrow, and anger he has ever felt or will ever feel....but I can't. And that hurts more then the painful words he just spoke to me.
But the reason I can lay my head on my pillow in peace tonight is because I know who can take it all off our shoulders, and whose hands are large enough to hold it....God.
We may not be able to hibernate like bears...but we can rest in His peace! Give it all to God....let it go. Life is messy and we cannot clean it up on our own...I know the best housekeeper :) Release control to Jesus and let Him clean up the mess and he will make something beautiful out of it!
A day lily is my favorite flower and it means something special to me: they are very bright, beautiful flowers that grow wild in ditches.....life can put you into a "ditch" quite often enough....but if you allow Him to....God can create something extraordinary out of that ditch. He will lift you up and bring you to a place where your beauty shines for the world to see. His joy will be your strength so that you will be able to dance in the ditch.
I am not sure how much of this really makes sense because it is late (to me) and I am exhausted....but I am just sharing my heart and I hope it helps....
Also here is another song that I have had on replay all night: "The More I Seek You" by Kari Jobe. Here are the words from the chorus; I pray they bring comfort to your soul: "I want to sit at your feet. Drink from the cup in your hand. Lay back against you and breathe...feel your heartbeat. This love is so deep. It is more than I can stand. I melt in your peace...its overwhelming"
Rest peacefully....allow Him to show you the beauty He already sees in your life :) it is there and He believes in you!

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