Recently I was playing a game with the boys when suddenly I had a cramp in my foot...Brayden came to my rescue as he yelled out to Riley, "quick brudder, I need a needle, a wrench, and a bowl of mash potatoes!"
We could not stop laughing....
If you ever get a cramp...I don't know...maybe try Brayden's remedy :)
But I was thinking about that recently, and this came to mind....
Isn't it amazing how God knows exactly what we need it our life.....EVEN IF THOSE THINGS MAKE NO SENSE TO US!!
When things happen in our matter how random they may seem, no matter the good, or unfortunately the bad, the laughing until your stomach hurts times, or the cry until your completely drained times, when a door opens, or when a door closes....we must remember that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD FOR THOSE WHO LOVE GOD! (Romans 8:28)
In our human minds we may not understand why things happen or why we are dealt a certain deck of cards....but God does understand....AND HE HAS A PERFECT PLAN!
God is working on your life...and He knows what He is doing!
I thank you God for all that you have done in my life.
I praise you Lord for you are holy and wonderful.
I thank you for your faithfulness.
I praise you Lord for your creative beauty surpasses all.
I thank you Lord for your grace and love.
God you are my God and I will ever praise You!

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