I believe we should have forecast for our minds just like they do on the weather channel...
Running across our forehead should be the day's forecast and warnings against any possible outbreaks of storms. We go through such an array of emotions sometimes as humans it can be hard to keep up. In my other blog, Once Upon My Bookshelf, I had just wrote about my favorite children's book, My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss and theme of this story is just that...we go through so many changes of moods on any given day, but...
"It all turns out alright you see, because I go back to being me." It is OK...tell yourself that after a bad day, a long cry, a screaming fit, a depressing day....relax and take a deep breath...you are human and it is going to be OK. Each day is a new day, a gift from God, make the most of it and let the past go...leave yesterday's bad day in the past and let today be a great one!
Now that was not I originally was going to say in this but when I start typing...just like I talk, I never know what is going to come out...but I hope that little pep talk helped :)
Now on to today's mood forecast:
Sometimes...and I am not sure if it is just my ADHD overactive mind or what....but my mind seems so cloudy I can't make out anything. So much going on up there it gets confusion and frustrating. I get a tornado of turmoil going on and it can sometimes be hard to find my way out for days at a time...
I just have so many feelings racing around and running into each other until I can't even seem to make out the dominant one. Am I happy? Am I lonely? Am I full of the joy of the Lord? Am I angry? Am I bitter? Am I frustrated? Am I overwhelmed and stressed? Am I just goofy?
This last few months that is where I have been...all mixed up.
Which can sometimes lead to screw-ups...bad choices made in the mist of a messy moment.
My wants and desires and confusion and frustration can lead me off the straight path of God wondering off alone in the dark woods seeking after my own path but only getting caught in treacherous, thorny ground.
I am just thankful that God can still find me through the thickest cloudy days. His rays of light can break through even the darkest clouds, and He can lead me back home...He can bring peace to my mind and calm the storm of emotions...and He can even forgive me for getting off His path. His grace is sufficient. His love is comforting. His peace passes all understanding so that my forecast can now read:
Calming breeze with bright rays of Sonshine.
His Spirit can relax my soul and clear my mind to let the light of my loving Heavenly Father in so He can renew my mindset and give me strength for a new day with a clear forecast.
Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing, and perfect will."
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