Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sweet Freedom!

Brayden and Riley were in bed the other night reading from a daily devotional book a sweet friend gave me. I love that Brayden wants to read from this each night. We have always done devotions and used a book on my iPod library, but I think it is neat that he took it upon himself to get that book out of my bag and look up verses he likes and reads them to me! Well I heard them discussing guardian angels after I tucked them in. I did not hear the whole conversation, but I heard them talking about how big and amazing they are. Then Brayden started singing to the enemy, "YOU CAN'T TOUCH THIS!" because he knows he has Jesus and the guardian angels on his side! I LOVE THIS!  Oh, yes MC Hammer said it best. LOL.

But this is so true! The enemy cannot touch us! We have a powerful God that we serve and His power lives in us! We speak his name and the enemy has to flee! We speak His truths and His promises and we pray powerful prayers and hell starts shaking! So why do we ever back away in fear and doubt?


I had an amazing time alone with Jesus last night and he changed my heart and lifted weights in a way only He can do. I found sweet freedom in Him last night and I am so thankful for the weight-free walk I had today for the first time in awhile! I am ready to bust out of my skin I am so full of His joy, strength, and peace! And also- love- even for those who are against me! They know not what they do and I am able to forgive them, let go and walk in freedom- not the bondage that bitterness, unforgiving attitudes, hurt, worry, stress, negativism, doubt, and fear brings. I am able to throw those things off my back and walk away dancing and shouting praise to the one who brings this freedom- then only one that can bring this kind of freedom- and He is my faithful friend Jesus!

His freedom reigns in my life and allows me to dance with joy in the face of the darkness! It allows me to go to sleep at night on a dry pillow- not the usual tear-soaked one that I have been sleeping on  for months now.

Find your freedom today in Jesus Christ. He is our deliverer. He is our fortress. He is our strong tower. He is our place of refuge. He is our strength. He is our all in all.  You cannot and will not find everything you need in anyone else or anywhere else! Find Him and fall in love with Him- He already loves you unconditionally! Then allow Him to take whatever weight you have been carrying and SET YOU FREE!

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