Saturday, February 23, 2013

What To Do-When In A Bad Mood

If you are in a bad mood- follow these steps below:


That's it. That is all that you need to do. Nothing too fancy, nothing too difficult, but...

I have still been dealing with some stone-throwers & fire starters as I have posted about recently and it just seems to be getting worse. I think what makes it even worse....besides that fact that I have done nothing to deserve the slaughter, is that I am such a people person. I love people! I love meeting new people, making new friends...and of course...I love TALKING to people...LOL. Because I love people- need people- I am a bit of a people pleaser too, and I have been working on that one. So this situation that has gotten completely out of hand....really, really hurts. So not only have I been crying my heart out, but now it has gotten to the point of putting me in a bad mood, and ready for this five foot blonde to fight back!

But I don't want to be in a bad mood. I am done crying over it as well! It is taking away from my life! So yesterday, while I was having a difficult time with this situation, Riley says, "you know what we need to do right now- PRAY!"


That is it- when you are in a bad mood- pray! And then praise God and I promise as you draw in near to Him- all else will begin to fade away!  This also works for if you're hurting, heart-broken, depressed, etc- isn't the amazing! Jesus is the cure all one to go to- THE ONLY ONE! Get on your knees- fall at His feet- and lay it all at His feet- LET GO AND LET GOD! Drop off your baggage and give it all to Him and let Him replace it with much better things to carry around like peace, joy, strength & love!

Then begin to get up and praise Him! Shout for joy for all that the Lord has done, is doing, and will do in your life!  Every time I have ever been in a bad mood, or hurting- if I pray and put the praise music on-He has always completely lifted my spirit and set my feet back on the solid rock and gave me the energy and courage to move mountains of bad moods and the situations that created them!

Now here are some other things you can do, but these are just for fun- the first two steps are non-negotiable,  unavoidable, cannot skip them, a MUST do!  These are just some you can choose from to continue to enjoy your day after being put back in sync by the amazing Savior!

*eat chocolate- now if you are like me and seem to lack self- control and instead of eating just a bit- end up finding that a bag (and I mean big bag, not single pack) of M&Ms is suddenly gone and there is no one else in the house to blame that on....then you might want to skip this suggestion!! LOL

*watch a comedy like The Proposal- I don't care how many times I have seen that- sooooo hilarious! And...hey watching Ryan Reynolds- another mood enhancer!! And when you get to the chanting in the woods part- YOU HAVE TO GET UP AND SHAKE IT!! That will cheer you right up!!  You can also put in the Christian comedian Chonda Pierce-she will make you laugh until you hurt! I am putting her into today!

*GET UP AND SHAKE IT! (as stated above) Dancing always causes my mood to mellow out and then once I really get going- gives me energy and brings happiness and smiles (or laughter if you have seen some of my moves)!  I love to dance!! My boys and I all do, so this step is always going on in our house if you need to stop on by Club Christina to shake your groove thang with us! I would list some song suggestions, but I would hate to have some judge my taste in music, as stated earlier I already have enough casting stones going on in my life....but I do know that Salt-n-Peppa said it best, "There's only one true judge and that's God, so chill and let my Father do His job"! :)  He knows my heart and His view of me is the only one that matters! I do all things for Him and His glory and as much as I love people, and will continue to love people, and...we know I will continue to talk, lol, I know that my confidence comes from Christ alone and you can throw stones all you want, by my Savior has a shield around me and allows me to stand firm in His presence no matter what situations are stirring up trouble in my life!!!!

OK, well....I guess that is my second post is what I love about this blog- I just start typing/writing in this journal of mine, and allow God to work through me and teach me, change me, mold me...gotta love it!

*you can also try these suggestions (they work for me): going to the beach, going to an aquarium, playing games with family and friends, paint, take a bubble bath, exercise, go to The Cheesecake Factory (lol- well I guess this step should be mentioned before the exercise because then you will need to exercise after the indulgence), talking of course always works for me too- so go have brunch with a buddy- which is what I am  on my way to do now! Soooo....

I hope you have a great day today! Always seek God first....all else will work out!

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