Thursday, August 22, 2013

Me & My Big Fat Mouth

Dear Wonderfully Made Friends,

This is another time when I am writing and not sure where the path will go...I have some things on my mind...that is silly to say when my over-active mind is always running at warp speed, but there are a few specific things on my mind that I am dealing with and praying about. I am also very, very tired for a lot of reasons, so really...who knows where this will go...but lets take a journey together shall we?!

Then main thing that I am praying about (as far as personally) is for my big fat mouth and my messed up mind! If you know me, you know I word to put here I guess would have to be NONSTOP! Yes, even in my sleep! My mind and mouth keep going and going and going and definitely outlast the energizer bunny!  But what I am praying about is not so much that I will stop talking so much- although I am sure that is the daily prayer of all my awesome family and friends; however it is focused more on what specifically is coming out of my mouth! This is the verse I have been repeating and praying,
    Psalm 19:14
    May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lordmy Rock and my Redeemer.
For the sake of not typing for hundreds of pages, we will stay away from my mind issues for a bit and just focus on the mouth- yes that is a big enough problem :p 

I do not like the words that have been coming out of my mouth lately...and they need to be worked on or shut down! If you can't say anything know the rest! I just feel like this last few years my mouth has become more and more negative, critical, degrading, crushing, hurtful, backstabbing, cynical, sarcastic (and not in the not Chandler Bing funny kind of way like I normally am, but in a more negative way) judgmental, whiny, etc....AND IT MUST STOP NOW!  

I know this is not who I am...I have always been more of a bubbly, sunshine, positive person (well at least I think and hope....I suppose you could insert your opinion here on But not this last few years. I have grown in so many ways over this decade (and no not vertically obviously) but God has been developing my character and Christ-like qualities a lot lately. But in the area of the endless ramblings that run wild and free from my mouth- I have digressed...I have begun to notice more and more things come out that as I "step to the side" and view myself...I don't like. 

Lord help me!!!!  When it comes to fixing/changing ourselves, we cannot do this in our own strength. I have been listening to several of Joyce Meyers teachings and she was just talking about this.  We must call out to Jesus. We must pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help us or as we continue to try in our our strength we will continue to fail.  So...Lord, I need you to strap some duck tape on my mouth until the darkness is destroyed and cleansed- until only things that are rooted in the love of Christ are coming from my mouth!

We are to build each other up! We are to encourage one another! We are to help each other grow closer to Christ! So I know it is long past time for me to check myself before I wreck myself...and yes I just went there...I told you I was tired right?! LOL. It is time for me to call out to Christ and ask Him to help me get control of my words! Because not only am I wrecking myself...but I could truly be destroying others- and that causes me much pain and sorrow to think I have done that to anyone.  Again, I know that is not who I am.  And...not only am I destroying myself and others with my words...I am displaying a negative image of the Christ I claim to serve! I proudly display scripture verses on my Facebook page and talk about Christ often...yet out of the same mouth has been all this negative, dark garbage coming out- this is what turns so many away from Christ- those who say they are Christians, yet do not show the love of Christ with their words and actions. 

So, my prayer is for Christ to reboot my brain - switch back on the positive mode- so that positive results flow freely from my mouth! That way even when I am endlessly rambling- you still gotta love me :p  And if this is something you struggle with as well...let us pray together for each other!

Let me again emphasize we cannot do this on our own- we need Jesus! I know I need to call out to Him daily- honestly hourly- to get this mess cleaned up! I need His help- and He is ready to give it :) 
I also need to get more into His word. I want to be so full of His amazing truths and promises that this is what comes overflowing from my mouth. I want my Big Fat Mouth to be full of Big Fat Blessings from God! And as I speak to and of others- may it only be in a way that blesses them!

Below are some other scriptures that are good for Big Fat Mouths like mine- I think I will be posting these all around as reminders! I will just put the place to find them so you can go and seek after God in your own quiet time and write these words upon your heart!

 *And these are just some I thought of/found- I love His word and there are so many powerful promises in there! I may go back and add more later...but I am actually going to head to bed, but if you google or go to and of course pick up your personal Bible and search for verses on the tongue, seeking God, help from God, will find so many!  Our tongues can be tricky, but I serve a very powerful God who can tame even the busiest of tongues :) 
- James 3                                           -Psalm 22:19
- Psalm 16:9                                       -Psalm 28:7
-Psalm 34:13                                      -Psalm 54:4
-Psalm 35:28                                      -Hebrews 13:6
-Psalm 37:30                                      -Philip. 4:13 (my boys' fave!)
-Psalm 39:1                                        -Deuteronomy 4:29
-Proverbs 10:31                                  - Hebrews 11:6
-Proverbs 15:4                                    -Proverbs 3:5-6
-Proverbs 18:21                                  -Matthew 6:33
-Proverbs 31:28                                  -Isaiah 40-29
-1 Peter 3:10                                      -Ephesians 4:29

Let us love one another :)
Christina Gail

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Happy Place

Dear Wonderfully Made Friends,

My all time favorite kids movie is Finding Nemo! There are so many awesome lines and lessons in that movie! And...Dori and I...let's just say- we could be related!
Well, I was just thinking of one of those lines from that fabulous movie,
"Find a happy place, find a happy place, find a happy place!"

I was, well...having a moment- if you  You know a cross between a tantrum, a pity party, a rush of hormones & just a lot of mess! I am a woman, so I guess you know what I can blame it on- and it ain't the rain! (Sorry old 80's flashback to Milli Vanilli-lol) Anyways, so that phrase "Find a happy place" fit that moment.

And then I was reminded of where my happy place the feet of Jesus!

When you need to find a "Happy Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Peaceful Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Restful Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Accepting Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Loving Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Guidance Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Graceful Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a "Joyful Place" go to Jesus!
When you need to find a - you fill it in with whatever you need and there is a one stop shop place to go! Do you get the picture! Fall at the Heavenly Father's feet and find all that you need! The best thing is- it is 100% guaranteed!  I need Him right now- desperately! I am going to go find my rest and strength in Him! I hope you seek after Him as well! It is not hard- just call on His name- He will be there!

Praying for you friends! Praying as well for all my teacher buddies out there- REMEMBER WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES US STRENGTH! And praying for all those wonderful children heading back into the schools- the government may have taken God out of the schools, but I will surely keep Him there! Praying that children grow & learn as well as treat each other with love & build each other up with encouragement and kindness!  I am praying the schools see amazing miracles this year in so many different ways! I pray that kids & teachers walk in Christ confidence each day!

Christina Gail
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