Kids' Quotes

"I love you more than a million stuffed animals!" -Riley 

The boys had just killed a spider that they were making a big deal about, I asked them to show it to me...(it was small) I said, "Oh, wow, however did you survive against this enormous, gigantic, huge spider?!" Riley stood up tall on the couch arms poised in all his masculine might and responded, "Cuz we're MAN VS. WILD!"

Riley said to me one day, "I'm glad you're so funny, 
cuz you make me smile."
Brayden came to my rescue one day when I had a cramp in my foot and said "Quick Brudder...I need a needle, a wrench, 
and a bowl of mash potatoes!"

"It's Go Time Baby!" - Brayden

"My heart is basketball shaped." -Brayden

We were getting ready to watch Facing the Giants and I told the boys it was a movie about praising God no matter what happens in your life and Brayden said, "Ya, that's cuz God gives us the power and strength, joy and everything!" Amen Brayden, amen!

While playing soccer and getting ready to block the other team's sidekick...Brayden yells, "Come on guys let's build the Great Wall of China here!"

Riley is on the phone with a girl and said, "I really need you to come over cuz I'm board." Brayden said, "HEY YOU GOT ME!"

"You gotta put some UMPH into it!" Riley King

Looking through old pics, Riley asked, 

"Do we still have that cars and 

trucks bed sheet I want it!!"

 Brayden says, 

"NO we got rid of that when we became men!" November 2012

I said "I need a manicure." Brayden said "ya you do." I asked, "Do u even know what a manicure is?" He said, "No but it has the word man in it so u need it!!!!"
 Seriously?! he just said that?! LOL (June 2012)

While playing Apples to Apples, the green card came up as Beautiful (lovely, pretty) and Brayden walked by and said, "That's my mom" 

From my BBFF Tina: This is for all of my Twilight friends. She told me, "I had to go to Beaufort CCC today to drop off some forms. My 6 yr old asked, 'Mom where are we this ain't Greenville?'  As I explained to him that we were in Washington, he said, 
"Mom where is Edward"? 

This happened a very long time ago, but I just thought of it and laughed. I was using my good markers to do something important while my little niece Mackenzie was sitting next to me watching. Finally she spoke and said, "You know God likes it when we share." 

Brayden was doing dunks and wanting me to evaluate on a ten point scale. Since I was showing much reluctance to give him a ten, and because he is competitive and sneaky smart- he tells me, "My next dunk is called a hug dunk!" He gives me a hug before he dunks :) judge says= ten plus bonus points! (November 2012)

Riley was having a tough night the other day. He came to me and said mommy you know how Dori sings "just keep swimming". Well I made up a new song. He begin to sing, 

"just keep trusting, just keep trusting, just keep trusting, 

trusting, trusting!" 

We are supposed to have that kind of child like faith!! Love my awesome boys :) (October 2012)

After praying over a little girl he heard was getting a 2nd heart transplant, Riley began to also pray for all the people in the hospital. When he woke up the next day he said excitedly, "I wonder how many people got healed last night!" We should always pray expecting!

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