Saturday, September 29, 2012

Oh, Merry Meatballs if life was not cherry and grand got even better today.  Without going in to all the lovely details of life in my world...I will just say I have been barely hanging on. So I go grocery shopping at Walmart...yeah that was a smart choice, a definite mood lifter! LOL. But you know...I was trying. I sang along with an old song that came over the speakers, my mood began to lift. I had two quick but cheerful conversations with strangers and my mood began to lift. I ran in to an old student whom I love dearly- and again sunshine was returning. I was thinking of my awesome boys and some sweet treats we can make together and get back to enjoying life; which somehow caused a high grocery bill with only a few meats and a whole lot of sweets!
But then it happened....

I was in a hurry in the parking lot because it started raining pretty hard and people were waiting for my spot...let's see if you can make some predictions of what happens next...I will give you a minute...

Well...I was just chucking those bags of goodies in the car and trying to get out of the way. By rushing, I was being considerate of those and also- trying to get in the dry car quickly!
To my joyful surprise, when I opened my back door to get the groceries out- my back floor was no longer the light tan carpet- it was now Ocean Marinara!

Yes, the glass jar of spaghetti sauce was now broken and all over the back floor of my car! And of course it was not the cheap jar, it was the more expensive jar that I was excited to try!
It covered most of the other bags and also my son's very expensive big Lego know because that is where it belongs- on the back floor of the car!  And it was so fun to clean out in the rain!
This was just the icing on the cake! It was the cherry on top of the sundae! Or in this case, it was the meatball on top of the spaghetti!
So, what do you say- STUFF HAPPENS!
As ill and grumpy as I have,been, still gotta keep that phrase G rated!
Here's the thing- stuff does happen....bad stuff...and it can really bring you down.
But here's the more important thing- if this stuff happens and you don't know Jesus as your personal Savior- then it just leaves you hopeless.

With Jesus- there is HOPE!

No matter what you face today- crappy moments of marinara explosion or.....more serious have to know that you don't walk alone.  And if you really focus and look at the bright side, there are those times that things come along in life and bring you joy- those are just little gifts from God. I heard this once at a women's conference- they are kisses from God!  I love this!  God is there in all are merry meatball moments! You know the moments when you ask, can life get any more miserable?!  God is there! He may not actually clean up the marinara mess....but he can give you the strength to do it, he can wipe your tears after crying over it, he can restore joy and allow you to lift your hands and sing praise even when your hands are dripping with red sauce- he can erase those stains and restore your life!  And along the way- he whispers his love to you with reminders of verses and promises, he sends supportive family and friends to cheer you up and helps you dance in the rain with a favorite song. He also gives you those moments, those reminders to laugh with your kids while looking at those Can You See What I See? books and having a hard time finding those objects while pointing out all the wrong things and....just being silly...I love those sweet, silly moments!  I am blessed with millions more of those than those "my life is a mess" moments...if I just stop and realize it...

He blesses you, loves you, cares for you, protects you, lifts you up, shakes of the saucy mess, and allows you to keep on going!  So seek him today and he will bring more comfort than spaghetti and meatballs-or any other comfort food that you search for after a lousy day!

Oh, and the other good (much less important, but still good) news is that the bag of marshmallows did not bare the wrath of the red sauce and they are OK so...I was able to make these yummy snacks: marshmallows dipped in caramel and chocolate on a stick! So..its all good people!!  Found this recipe on Pinterest....yeah, what did we ever do before Pinterest came along? LOL.

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