Monday, July 19, 2010


An no this is not about the old Sir Mix-A-Lot just thought it would be a funny title. Although, let me say one day while I was at work, walking down our open hallways, I caught my reflection in the long row of windows, and I was very startled and jumped wondering what in the world is that behind me!! Oh yeah...think of that song, and see where I'm going with this. LOL.

Anyways, on to more important things....I AM BACK BABY, AND BETTER THAN EVER! My mind is finally clear and at peace, praise God. I have finally been able to do what I have been writing about and let go and really give it all to God, and allow His peace take over and calm my mind. My joy has been restored and I am back to my fun-loving, goofy, blonde I have at last been able to hold a conversation without crying out of being overwhelmed. I am just so thankful for God's presence in my life, and don't know where I would be without His grace, hope, and love.

Now let me add this, nothing has far as my circumstances (the things that have been overwhelming me), they have not changed. I still have no job stability, I still don't even know if I will have a job in August, my dreams of a writer have not come true yet, I am still feeling very claustrophobic in my small apartment, I still don't know if I should move back home to Ohio or stay in my sunny North Carolina, I am still laying in bed alone every night, I still have a wonderful, lol, ex-husband, and I still have the worries of being a single mom of two active, young boys (although that is a major blessing and I love being a mom more than anything, it can just be difficult sometimes). So...none of these things have change, BUT my mindset has, thanks to my loving Heavenly Father who is always there to wipe my tears, pick me up, and put me back on His solid rock! Amen!
I am just very excited and full of hope!

Please know that God's peace is also available to you! No matter what you are facing, God is bigger, and He can either calm the storm, OR CALM YOU IN THE STORM!

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